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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I have had anxiety as long as I can remember. Anything from going to school, tests, hanging out in groups, or even ordering at a restaurant was deemed impossible to me for the longest time. From sixth grade to now in my freshman year in college, a lot has changed. I have been stressed about a variety of different things over the years. Luckily, I have now managed to be able to order at restaurants and be at college, due to managing anxiety. I’ve been in worse mental states and I have been in better mental states.


In college, I know it’s super easy to get overwhelmed with classes, workload, a job, socializing, and everything in between. But, I’ve definitely learned some ways to help myself out of panic attacks in my dorm room.


The most important thing that has taken many times to actually achieve is:

Staying in the Moment! 

Believe me, this is way easier said than done. But it comes down to this: organizing your thoughts and not getting ahead of yourself. I have begun to make sure my thoughts are present with my surroundings, whether in class or with friends. It is super easy to get distracted, but as soon as I set myself up to stay in the moment, I worry less about everything I have to do later.


It has taken me years to get here, but there are only benefits from this method to cool down anxiety. I have felt more positive and able to push away the negativity around me. I have been able to feel more relaxed approaching situations that used to make me feel so stressed.


From personal experience, I have come to learn anxiety can be managed. I would always recommend trying to be in the moment and realize all the things to be grateful for every once in a while. College can be stressful, but that does not mean it can’t be fun! Practice self-care and stay present in every moment and make sure to take everything day by day or even minute by minute. 

Hi everyone, my name is Anna and I'm currently a sophomore at UNH! I'm currently studying English and Psychology. With an interest in editing, I love being part of HC! insta: anna.rk
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!