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Your New Year’s Resolutions Revised

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Just like most people, I am a sucker for the holiday season. For my family, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas fill the final few months of every year; however, while I love all the celebrations, over-indulgences of sweets, and family memories built around the dinner table, there is one holiday I value over the rest: New Years. There is something so refreshing about a clean slate and nothing screams “fresh start” like a brand new year. And as we enter the third week of January, it is likely that the resolutions you made are beginning to fade. Although it is not the first of the month, I now encourage you to set realistic resolutions. Say goodbye to that crazy diet plan and say hello to small, reasonable lifestyle adjustments. Whether you’re setting out on a body transformation or an academic revival, I, with the help of Nielsen.com,  have compiled the perfect list of resolutions for all your large-scale desires and changed them into smaller, more attainable goals.

Resolution #1: “I want to become fit and healthy.”

Keep the “I want” and exchange “become fit and healthy” with:

-Meal Prep every Sunday

-Take 2-3 cycling/yoga/pilates/kickboxing/etc. classes a week

-Drop 5 lbs. each month

-Eat out only twice a week instead of five

-Order a side salad instead of fries

-Eat one scoop of ice cream instead of three

-Stand in the front row of my exercise classes

Resolution #2: “I want to talk to and spend more time with my friends.”

Your social life is crucial to your overall happiness. According to Dr. Karen Dill, faculty member in the Media Psychology Doctoral Program at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, CA: “Friendships fill our need for belonging. Our friends give us some with whom to discuss our ideas, beliefs, and problems. These are needs that we can’t meet on our own.” Even if you live the world’s busiest life, these suggestions will keep you connected to those you love the most.

-Send a text to one friend each week letting him/her know he/she is on your mind

-Clear your schedule one each week for a Girl’s Night with your favorite gals

-Unless you are under extenuating circumstances, attend each of your closest friend’s birthdays, weddings, celebrations, etc. in 2017

-Use your car ride to/from school, work, etc. to catch up with one of your friends

-Invite someone to lunch once a month

Resolution #3: “I want to limit my screen time.”

This, along with health and fitness, may be one of the most important resolutions you can set for yourself. We are constantly scrolling, refreshing, and texting when all that time can be transferred elsewhere. Here are a few quick fixes to minimize time in the virtual world:

-Turn off your app notifications; yes, I’m serious!

-When trying to go to bed, grab a book or magazine instead of your phone

-Silence! Your phone, that is

-Check for notifications at certain points throughout the day. For example, first thing when you wake up and at lunch

-When you’re doing work, keep your phone tucked away somewhere out of sight

Resolution #4: “I want to find a SO this year.”

Girl, preach. Although we can’t just snap our fingers and make the person of our dreams magically appear, we can put ourselves out there a little more. How you ask?

-Sit next to the cute boy/girl in class

-Say “Yes” to going out on a date with the person you’re not sure if you’re into yet

-Message someone you’re interested in first

-Accept the fact that certain relationships do not work out for specific reasons

-Figure out exactly what you want out of a relationship and be open about your expectations from the get go

Resolution #5: “I want to get a 4.0.”

This goal in itself is definitely attainable and one we collegiates should strive for! But there are a few things to consider before writing this resolution down. If you are in a more challenging major, it may be more beneficial to say “I want to make Dean’s List” as opposed to straight A’s. If you’re taking 18 or more credit hours, be more forgiving with yourself when it comes to grades; you are taking on a heavy course load and it is OK not to make A’s across the board. But if you are deadset on the 4.0, let’s try out these small goals so that you hit that perfect GPA in Spring.

-Reread notes after each class

-Utilize Quizlet before each test

-Turn in your assignment early, not 11:59 p.m. on the day it’s due

-Find a reliable study partner

-Dedicate one day on the weekend to get a jumpstart on your workload for the week

When we fix our focus on accomplishing smaller goals, we eventually reach those resolutions we tend to forfeit by February. As you create your list of New Year’s resolutions, write out the ways in which you will achieve them. No shame in planning! Hold yourself accountable, stick with it, and watch your life change for the better.

photos courtesy of medium.com and lifehack.org

Gabriella is a twenty-something Floridian who has taken her love of waterfront living and sandy toes to Wilmington, NC! When she's not imprinting her body frame on the beach or stocking up on excessive jars of peanut butter, Gabriella can be found in the lines of Dunkin Donuts scrolling through Pinterest in the search of the perfect apartment decor. Her dream profession is to work for a women's magazine with an emphasis on millennial empowerment. Follow her on Twitter, @gabby_dionisio!