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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

With last minute exams, papers, and projects right before finals, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. As stress and anxiety increase with the approaching deadlines, it is important that you set aside time for yourself to take a breath and find your calm. 

Something as simple as stopping whatever you are doing and resetting your mind through breathing can change the outcome of your day.  

A couple of breaths can help settle your mind while slowing down your heart rate. Here is a breathing technique that I use:

  • Inhale for ten seconds 
  • Hold breath for ten seconds
  • Exhale for ten seconds

I usually do this twice when I start to get anxious about an assignment or when my mind is consumed over the million deadlines. It also helps me refocus my mind when I can’t seem to write or complete an assignment. 

When I know it is going to be a stressful and busy day, I wake up early and do some mediation then some light yoga. It just helps me start my day with a more focused and mentally prepared mindset that reminds me I can take on anything. I try to be more gentle with myself and focus on how I feel mentally which really helps when it comes to finishing tasks. 

Finding your calm in the midst of deadlines and stress is just as important as checking things off of your to-do list. You have to take care of yourself in every aspect whether it is checking in with yourself every day or making sure you eat at least one real meal. 

Putting your health first is how you are going to survive and thrive this final exam season! So do a face mask and take a walk because at the end of the day, nothing matters more than you! 

Julie is a positive senior from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is an inspiring travel journalist who is double majoring in Communication Studies and International Studies along with having a minor in Spanish. With a lot on her plate you can always catch her in the library or stress knitting in her apartment while bing-watching "Queer Eye" or "Parks and Rec".