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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Photo by Parker Mauk


Working out has become another in-style thing to do with the maturing of the 90’s babies and is as popular as ever. The pastime can be a passing fancy for some and a serious commitment for others, but either way can be equally exhausting.


We want to be able to use the best of our time when we are working out because it is valuable time taken for a purpose with a goal to be accomplished. There are three low-strain workouts that can be done in the comfort of a home or dorm room.


The first being the old reliable exercise bike. For those of us who want the exercise but not the total experience of riding a bike.


These are available in the riding models, which can be very compact and also a no-seat model which is even smaller. All that is needed is a place to sit, a good book or tablet to read and off you go, riding into the slim thighs of your dreams.


The no-seat models can also be used for an upper body workout with their pedals being used by your hands instead of feet, which double the value for the piece of equipment.


Stretching is something that can be done in the home and with very little strain to your overall body, which is good for beginners and low stress workouts.


The stretches themselves can be located in several varieties depending on what is best for the body and level of workout. YouTube videos have replaced the old fashioned workout VHS tapes of our childhoods, but nonetheless, most of those old videos are on YouTube today.


Even with age, they are still great workouts, usually geared towards a beginner level and in a compact timeframe. Watching an instructor and having someone to guide the process of moving the body is a tremendous help in learning what your abilities are and how to make the best of it while not over doing it.


Last, but definitely not least, is jump rope. It is a childhood game and pastime, but can actually show benefits for the low and upper body.


Jump rope requires using your knees and arms knocking out two muscle groups with one rope. It can be done in home or out on the patio and is not extremely strenuous or time consuming.


Depending on your level of need and where you desire to benefit from your exercise can help in deciding if these basics are best for you and a good starting point to becoming a healthier and more relaxed individual. They can be done separately or all together in a routine manner.


The time can be adjustable on whether you can squeeze in 5 minutes in the morning or a full half hour in the evening, with no need to make a special gym trip or pay a fee.


Working out may be a priority on the to-do list, but it certainly does not have to be a chore of exuberance.

Amanda Bryant is a junior journalism major at UK. She is also a freelance writer for the Kentucky Kernel and pursuing the industry of newspaper writing venturing to publishing.