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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.
Photo by Jakub Gorajek



Self love does not always come easy. It is a process. Many things such as an eating disorder or lack of loving relationships when we are growing up can affect the way we see ourselves. No matter how hard it might be to love yourself, it is a vital part of being YOU.


Loving myself is something I enjoy about my life. Growing up, I always had a pretty good sense of who I was as a person and what I stood for. However, it was not until about Junior year of high school that I really found out how to truly love who I am as a person.


Despite being blessed with a great home life and a group of loving friends and family to surround myself with, my realization of self love was not something I discovered until later on. Boy, did it make a difference though.


As of now, I take self love very seriously. If I am feeling down or negative about myself I have to take a break because that is when I know that life is stressing me out too much. Taking that break and moving on is the best thing I can do for myself.


Nothing, to me, is more painful than hearing my friends bash on who they are or how they look. I feel that they are the best versions of themselves at this moment, and I am so grateful for who they are as people. That is why it hurts me to hear anyone I love hating on themselves. I would not want to put any of my loved ones in a situation where they might have to worry about my self-esteem, and that is why I work so hard to love myself.


For me, self love comes in various forms. One form is just making sure to hit the gym around three times a week. This keeps me content with my body, which comes with newfound confidence. Getting good grades and keeping myself focused on the future is another way that I practice my own self love.


When I see results from my workouts and from my academic efforts, I become even more proud of myself and how hard I have been working. Finding time to do the hobbies I enjoy most is probably the best way that I keep myself happy. Whether that is hiking, drawing, spending time with friends or visiting cool places, they all work the same. I encourage you guys to find whatever helps you love yourself and use it to your advantage!

Hi all, I'm Paige. You could find me outside or making art. I'm inspired to take on another semester leading a great group of girls at UK!