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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

During the pandemic I have gotten really into self-care. This has been with things like my mental health, picking up a new hobby, working out, or getting really into my hair routine.

TikTok has truly been a great resource to learn more about hair care and how best to take care of my hair on a budget. I have always seen celebrities with beautiful hair but thought that was out of my reach because I am not wealthy. However, you can have healthy, gorgeous hair while spending very little money.  

Below I have listed a few tips and tricks that will help you on your hair care journey.

Chemical free

Use products that are free of chemicals. Shea Moisture is a great brand to buy from; they are made with no parabens, no mineral oil, no formaldehyde, no phthalates, and no petroleum. These products are all natural and will help get you the healthiest hair of your life.

Know your hair porosity

Figure out your hair porosity and buy products based on that. You can do this simply with a strand of your hair and a glass of water. Place a strand of hair in a glass of water and see where the hair falls to. If your hair sinks to the bottom of the glass, you have high porosity. If your hair sinks to the middle of the glass, you have normal porosity. If your hair floats on the top of the water, you have low porosity. Based on this, you can google products for your hair type. These products will be much more effective because they are designed to work best with your hair’s level of porosity.

Use heat protectant

ALWAYS use heat protectant. If you use a curling iron, straightener, hair dryer, or any other heat on your hair, you have to use a heat protectant spray. This will protect your hair from heat damage which will give your hair a much healthier feel and look. You can buy affordable heat protectant sprays from Target or the drugstore-TRESemmé has a good one that works really well for me.

Wash your hair every few days

Wash your hair every few days. Washing your hair every day can be really damaging, so waiting a few days between washes is helpful. This may be difficult at first because of the oil buildup, but the more you do this the more your hair will adapt and become less oily over time.

Use a hair mask

Invest in a hair mask. Hair masks are a great way to add intense moisture to your hair. These masks can be used just once a week, so they last a long time! Shea Moisture has a few great masks that have worked really well for me.

Trying these tips is a great way to begin your journey to healthier hair. It doesn’t have to be an intimidating, expensive process, trust me.

Hi everyone! I am a senior here at UK and am originally from Northern Kentucky. I am majoring in Political Science and Journalism and am the President of Feminist Alliance at UK. I am very passionate about politics and current events, and I hope to bring a non-partisan view to all the articles I write!