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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Stress can be a stressor in itself. For everyone that is going through it, you are definitely not alone. Here are some tips on things that I do in order to handle the stress in my life with grace: 


Sleep is an essential component to a healthy lifestyle. It is absolutely the most important thing on this list. Your body needs to repair itself and your mind needs to rest from the busy day you’ve had in order to be ready for the next one. Don’t let sleep become your last priority.


Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness of the mind and body allows for everything to slow down and not feel as though you never have any time. By meditating 15 minutes every day, I am able to slow down and just calm my mind and body down. Sometimes, it feels great to do absolutely nothing but breathe. You can either sit in silence, download a meditation application, or look up meditation YouTube videos.

Working Out

Working out every day can be beneficial in just making you feel better afterward. It might not feel great at the moment, but the results will be worth it. You don’t even have to go to the gym if you can’t, you can work out in the comfort of your own home by looking up YouTube videos. Here is one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XSSh8CcN-k&list=PLEDNxqCe0t69tCLo9CcHll…


Taking care of yourself and taking time out of your day for the things you like and want to do are what self-care is all about. I try to do my nails every week and I also try to do things that are fulfilling to me. Things like reading and writing, watching my favorite movie, or practicing my calligraphy skills. 

So stress can be managed. I hope these tips were able to help you out too.

I am a self-professed creative writer and designer. I aspire to inspire people every day to live their best lives.
UIC Contributor.