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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

You may think that the end of summer and the beginning of the fall semester means the end of the internship season, but you would be wrong. The fall semester is the perfect time to focus on updating resumes, practicing your firm handshakes, and polishing your 30-second pitch.


In fact, right now is the perfect time to focus on professional aspirations by searching for internships that best fit your experience and skills. It is never too early to start, and the web makes your search easier and more accessible than ever.


Career Fairs

These free events are hosted by the University of Houston and other colleges. A number of colleges host their own career fairs aimed at their own students, such as C.T. Bauer College of Business’ Career Fair, hosted every semester in the Hilton. University Career Services also hosts its own career fair available to all UH students.

When attending a career fair, be sure to have copies of your resume and check out their list of participating companies. It’s important to make a list of companies you’d be interested in talking about and take a minute to research facts about them beforehand, to seem more prepared than the average student.

Think about your professors!

Along with fun experiences and friends, do not discount the professional connections with university professors the college experience provides. You never know when a connection with a professor may lead to an internship. Professors are experts in their field with a vast network of connections related to industry and academia, so pay attention to the research and industry projects they mention in class — you could be hearing about your next internship!

Cougar Pathway

UH has its own job search board available for free for students searching for internships, on-campus jobs, or part-time jobs. Many of the positions are for all majors, although they can be grouped by colleges. Make sure to check both types to broaden your job search horizons.

Use LinkedIn

This website is the Facebook of the professional world, and essential to get your name and face out there. If you want to feel ‘legit,’ get a LinkedIn now and make sure to add all your experience in detail. Make sure to keep it updated and polished regularly, it’s essentially your online resume. LinkedIn is also a great way to connect with others and find professional mentors. Make sure to publish a couple of posts a year; these can be about career awards or professional events that advertise your skills.

Use Indeed.com

Indeed is a great tool to “take the temperature” of the internship market. You can type relevant keywords and find positions in the location you’re interested in. The website is free and has options to add your own resume or fill in your relevant experience when you create an account.

Use internships.com

This website is similar to Indeed.com in fact think of it as its younger cousin, although they have no business connection, it works the same way. You can provide your major and location and Internships.com will provide you with open and closed internships. It’s a great resource to find internships around your area or areas you are interested in working in.

Overall, finding a summer job or an internship may be challenging, but thanks to a variety of resources offered by UH and found online, it’s more feasible than ever before.

Janhavi is an Honors Biomedical Sciences major at UH. In her free time, she likes playing the piano, painting, and hiking, preferably with a soundtrack of late twentieth century Russian music.