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Heartbreak is Beautiful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

This is for my girls sitting at home singing Sam Smith’s album to the tune of your drunken pitch. This is for my girls currently filling Justin Timberlake’s river with their tears that are proof of late night crying. This is for my girls that gave a man the key to their heart just to find out that he threw the key in his glove compartment box with his old keys. This is for my girls that have been heartbroken. Heartbreak sucks, but there is a reason why they call it heartbreak. It is because it feels like your heart is literally breaking. It’s breaking smack dab in the midst of your ribs that have been bruised by caring deeply for someone who never truly cared about you. After being heartbroken, your next reaction is to put your brick wall back up. You want to ensure that you will never feel this type of pain again and you feel a brick wall is the only thing sturdy enough to do it.I’m pleading with you to not put your guard back up. This place that you are in right now is actually very beautiful if you change the lenses you are seeing your circumstances through.  

You watch as the bright sun gently falls into the arms of the ocean towards the end of the day. The clouds color the sky various tints of reddish and purple.

Your eyes gaze into the sunset as your mind flashes back to all of the moments during sunlight when you made sand angels with him. Sadly, he walked away from the mold he had made with his body in the sand and left you there lying with just an outline of where his love once was.

But you’ll lay there. Still watching the sunset with tears in your eyes. Overflowing the ocean with each tear that falls down your cheek. Then, the tide will rise and wash away the imprint that he left next to you in the sand.

As his love drifts off and the day comes to a close, your eyes will remained gazed on the coordinates in the sky where the sun once was. You won’t glance away for a moment although you can’t see the sun right now. You have found peace in knowing that sooner or later sunlight will come back into your heart where it once was.

That is heartbreak. That is beautiful.  


Year: SeniorMajor: Management-Human Resource Management TrackHobbies: the gym, long nights spent reading Pinterest quotes, Gilmore Girls, drinking black coffee, poetry, cooking, bikram yoga, changing my nail color daily, shopping at Trader Joe's, Sprouts & Whole Foods
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."