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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

College is a stressful chapter of life. Among the excessive amounts of tests, being away from home and balancing a social life – stress is inevitable. Some people don’t suffer from anxiety as much as others, but many college students feel overwhelmed by the amount of stress they face. However, the good news is there are ways you can combat your stress.

Working out will help

Yes, everyone says “working out keeps me sane.” While cliché, it’s true. Working out is a proven way to increase endorphins. Endorphins are such a great defense against daily anxiety levels and depressive thoughts. If you are scared to start a workout regimen, start small. You don’t even have to go to the gym. Workout in your dorm or apartment and do simple exercises – just enough to get your heart rate up. For example, you can do a few crunches, a plank or squats. Working out is such a great way to feel good both mentally and physically.

Talk to someone

Seriously. Do not be afraid to talk to someone even if it’s just for a few minutes. If you are having a really bad day, let someone know. You can just say “I’m having a really stressful day,” and someone will sit down and listen to what you want to say. There are so many people you can talk to. Talk to a friend, a counselor (which normally have free walk-in appointments for students) or you could even call your mom or dad. Try not to bury your stressful thoughts. Instead, you can release them and feel so much better.

Do what you have to do, for you

Sometimes you just need a break. If you are feeling extremely overwhelmed, then do what feels best for yourself. If that means going home for a weekend (or even a few extra days, too) – that’s okay! If you want to try that anxiety medication your doctor recommended, then that’s a great step in the right direction, too. Anxiety is not an easy thing to live with, and there’s no simple way to handle it. What matters is that you do your best to manage your anxiety in whatever way works for you.

Get out of bed and be as productive as possible

When your anxiety is at its highest, it’s really comforting to stay in your room for days on end. But doing so really only makes those stressful thoughts worse. Productivity is such a healing and motivating thing. Get out of bed. Make your bed. Do simple tasks that will help distract your mind. When is the last time you did a load of laundry? Do you have any homework you could get done? When you cross things off of a to-do list, it will increase your serotonin levels and make you happier. Productivity is such a powerful activity when it comes to dealing with college anxiety.

College anxiety is real and it affects so many college students. But there are things you can do to help manage your anxiety and make it easier to live with. Everyone suffers in different ways and some deal with higher levels of anxiety than others do. Let your anxiety be a reminder that everyone is going through mental health struggles. Remember that you are not alone and be kind to others. In fact, be sure to ask people how they are doing and make sure you reach out to those who might look like they are struggling. Coping with your anxiety in college isn’t fun, but there are ways to make it manageable.

Former Feature Writer. UF English Literature Alum.
UF Class of 2021. Journalism & women's studies. Viviana Moreno is a writer and online creative dedicated to exuding warmth and promoting inclusivity. She creates content that fuels truth and curiosity through her contributions to publications that seek to empower and inform primarily college-aged individuals.