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Being Healthy In College Is Easier Than You Think

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Ever find yourself making excuses on why you deserve that entire Hungry Howie’s pizza after an exam? What about taking a week off of the gym simply because you had “too much going on”? We’re with you, but being healthy is much easier than you think. All it takes is a little scheduling and willpower. Here are a few tips to show you just how easy incorporating a healthy lifestyle, even with a busy schedule, can be:

1.Plan your meals (portion size/meal prep)

If there’s one thing you learn from this list, let this tip be the one. Planning meals is not only a healthier option, but it also saves you tons of time. The key to meal prepping is cooking everything all at once, preferably on a Sunday, so the food is its freshest. The typical preparation consists of a lean protein, vegetables and some sort of carb or grain in order to receive all the nutrients you need in a day. Everyone knows the struggle of not having time to eat, which ends up resorting to making a fast food purchase. By preparing everything in containers for the week, you will have your food ready to eat as well as learn proper portion control.

2. Buy healthy

Buying healthy foods is the best way to keep yourself from eating junk food. If you buy that tub of ice cream for “that one time you’ll crave it,” you’ll crave it everyday until it’s not in your freezer anymore. Getting rid of all snacks is ridiculous, but keeping healthy snacks around is doable. This is super important when it comes to stress eating. Swap the chips and salsa for pretzels and hummus. Pro tip: Always keep Hershey’s kisses around for when you do have a small craving, but remember: portion control!

3. Exercise daily

This one seems pretty self explanatory, but it’s also the one that people tend to put last on their to-do list. Being active is so important. With busy schedules like ours, we need to be tackling our school stress and anxiety somewhere, and going out for a run or putting some work in at the gym is the perfect place to do it. Don’t worry if you really don’t have time in your schedule for a workout because UF’s campus is a workout. In between walking a few miles a day going to and from your classes and using stairs instead of elevators, you’ve got yourself an active day. If you don’t have time for the gym, or if it’s too packed, the stadium is a great way to work every part of your body.

4. Limit sugary beverages

Every frat party is going to consist of cheap vodka and some sort of soda or juice, but stay away from that as much as you can. We also know how amazing slushies from Fat Daddy’s are, but limit how often you have those, too. Juices alone have so much sugar that before you know it, you’re drinking the amount of an entire bag of candy or more. Pro tip: Buy packets or pocket-sized portions of Crystal Light or MiO, and squeeze them into vodka with water. It’ll taste amazing, and you’ll be getting zero grams of sugar or calories.

5. Fight the urge for late night munchies

This goes hand in hand with limiting sugary beverages. After a long night of going out and hours since you’ve had your last meal, you always want to indulge on ordering in some Pokey Stix or Midnight Cookies. While it’s unhealthy and not necessary, we’re still gonna do it. After all, we’re college kids. Just remember this: Don’t do it often.

Now that you’ve learned some tips about how to stay healthier, you can be excited to try them all! Don’t forget that while staying healthy is important, treating yourself is, too.


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