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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

There’s nothing better than getting cozy in bed after a long day.

The moment your head hits your pillow and your body sinks into your mattress is a time second to none.

For many of us, this is the time we grab our phones and scroll ourselves to sleep.

While I love a good mindless scroll down the Instagram rabbit hole as much as the next person, there are more mindful things you could do before bed that are good for your body, mind and rest. 


Reflect on the good

Before you grab that phone, consider grabbing a journal instead.

By scrolling on Instagram, you’re catching up on everyone else’s day while neglecting to catch up on your own.

Grab a pen and some paper and write out all of the good things that happened that day.

You can write out all of the happy things that happened, or if you’re like me, you can write out all of the things you want to thank God for that day.

Things as small as finding a parking space, making it to class on time or getting a discount on your lunch can start to pile up and make you realize your day wasn’t too bad after all.

Reflecting on the positive things that happened in your day, no matter how small, will help you posture your heart in a positive manner and have you drift off to sleep full of gratitude.

Make a to-do list for tomorrow

A worried mind can lead to unrest.

We all know the moment where you just can’t sleep because your mind is racing with thoughts of what’s to come.

While our minds are occupied with consuming thoughts, anxiety tries to creep in and intrude on what’s supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation.

To help ease your mind before bed, try making a to-do list of all of the things you need to get done tomorrow.

By putting out all those tasks and worries onto paper, you get them out of your head and out into the world.

Write out your checklist and prioritize what needs to be accomplished so you go into the next day with a battle strategy that’s sure to keep you on top of your game.

You’ll sleep better knowing that you’ve already got a head start on the next day, and you’ll wake up feeling like you’ve got your life just a bit more together.



If you’re in college, chances are you spend a good chunk of your day slouched over a screen and clacking at a keyboard working on assignments.

The stress and anxiety that comes coupled with the college experience not only takes a toll on your mental health, but also have an effect on your physical well-being.

Tension can build in your neck and shoulders that may cause you to sleep stiffly.

While a decent bit of exercise is always good for the body, people greatly underestimate the power of stretching.

By stretching before bed, you can elongate your limbs while releasing some of the tension built up throughout the day.

Stretching allows you a moment to focus on your breathing and muscles, lengthening your limbs and stimulating blood flow from your head to your toes.

This time not only gets your body loosened up to sink into that comfy mattress of yours, but it helps clear your mind of the day and be self-aware of the body that’s getting you through it all. 


Ditch the devices

While watching an episode of your favorite Netflix series before bed might feel like an appropriate way to wind down, it might actually be keeping you up more than you think.

The lights in your phone, tablet and computer are keeping your brain alert at a time that it should be winding down.

Put your phone on do not disturb and charge all of your electronics in a place far away from your arm’s reach.

Every buzz and bright screen that brings your eyes to open in the middle of the night are interrupting your deep sleep and can ultimately cause you to feel drowsier and more restless in the morning.

Eliminate the temptation to hop onto one of your devices while you’re tossing and turning and forget about the virtual world for the night.

Plus, when your alarm goes off in the morning, you’ll actually have to get up to turn it off and won’t fall victim to an easy snooze.


When you trade out the mindless scroll for mindful alternatives, you’ll be delighted to find a more fulfilling night’s rest.

Allowing yourself time to reflect on your mind and body while preparing for the day ahead are easy ways to help alleviate some of the day’s stress and release consuming thoughts.

A mindful time of relaxation and winding down will lead to mindless sleep, just as it should be.


I'm Adrianna Santiago, a 20-something-year-old girl created to create beautiful things and love all the people. I'm currently a public relations student at the University of Florida working hard towards finding a career where I can use my creative skills to tell stories and bring people together. ​ When I'm not clacking at my keyboard you can find me sipping on iced coffee working on a design, roaming the streets of Main Street USA (camera in hand of course), or filming and editing videos for my YouTube channel.