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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

2020 has been a trivial year and my mental health has been tested. It has come to the point where I either continue to count the negatives or change my mindset. Counting the negatives includes; my college experience ending one quarter after transferring in, the study abroad program I was accepted into being canceled, moving back home with my sister, and lastly not being able to see my extended family. These things suck. There really is not a better way to put it; however, moping around and complaining about it does not do anything to change it. I began to experience symptoms of depression, which was certainly a new one for me. I generally have no issue staying positive in darker times, but this time was different. I just felt that the years of hard work to get myself admitted into my dream school had been for nothing. Receiving straight A’s at community college, working for hours upon hours on applications to finally be admitted to UCSD only to get sent home after one quarter. I completely lost motivation.

woman lying in white bed
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy from Unsplash
My senior year began and I did not attend one class for 3 weeks. I was at the point where I did not want to finish school and instead wanted to lay down and feel bad for myself. Luckily, my inner self stepped in and took control. I realized that I needed to find new motivation to push me through each day. I quickly got back on track with school and started to search for a job. One thing I have learned through struggling with depression is that keeping yourself active and busy is the key. I received an email from a friend who knew of a receptionist job working at a new salon opening up, and thought that I would be perfect for the job. I hustled and I got in touch with the owner and practically begged her to interview me. After the interview, the owner herself felt we were a perfect match. What I did not know is that I was not going to be the receptionist quite yet because the salon was not even open! Long story short, she was trusting me to do so much more than answer phone calls and write emails. I write up contracts, I sit in on meetings with investors, and I have learned about leasing a building to start up a business. This job that I thought was going to be “easy money” has turned into something completely different. I have now experienced the process of, not only starting a business, but starting one during a pandemic! My experiences over the last month have grown a new motivation within me to start my own company. 
Unsplash/ Nicole Honeywill / Sincerely Media
I could be in San Diego living out my senior year to its fullest extent, but if that were the case I would not have received this opportunity, and I certainly would not be thinking of starting my own business. The overall point of this story is that my hard work did not go to waste at all. Instead of trying to make sense of why 2020 took away experiences I have always wished for, I should think about the opportunities it has given me. Life truly is a Butterfly Effect and I know that it will only get better from here.

Hi there! My name is Katelyn Dunkin and I’m a transfer student at UCSD. I’m so grateful to be apart of HerCampus at UCSD and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us!
Her Campus at UCSD aims to create a more open platform for women to share their ideas and passions with the rest of the college community. Our writers are students of all different majors who share the same passion for writing and media and are excited to bring more fun articles for the UCSD community and others to indulge in and enjoy.