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Chloe Ting Is A Fitness Workout Creator Who Is Taking Over The Internet: Here’s What All The Hype Is About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Although COVID-19 has robbed us of the ability to go to the gym, luckily, YouTube workout videos still exist. There are so many different workout programs by different fitness people to check out, but how do you figure out which person is the best? If any of you are a regular on TikTok, you have most likely heard of the YouTube fitness star, Chloe Ting. Chloe Ting has become wildly popular amongst high school and college aged girls. With a whopping 5.9 million subscribers on YouTube, Chloe Ting is officially taking over the internet fitness community. But who is Chloe Ting and are her videos really worth it?

YouTube homepage
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

With a little Internet snooping, I discovered that Chloe Ting actually started out as a fashion blogger and did YouTube videos about beauty and fashion. She was originally born in Brunei, but is now currently living in Melbourne, Australia. Chloe Ting’s first fitness program was released in May 2018, debuting her mark on the fitness world. Since 2018, she has created 10 other programs. One of the most popular ones is her 2 Weeks Shred program, which Chloe Ting swears by. Many people have posted promising results with this program so I thought I would try and give it a shot.

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

I just started Chloe Ting’s 28 Days Flat Tummy Challenge which so far has been no joke. Even though the videos range from 10-20 minutes each, the workout is non-stop with only 10 second breaks between some exercises. The videos are challenging, but definitely doable for everyone after a little getting used to. She demonstrates each move in a helpful way and makes sure to tell everyone when to move to the exercise. She also gives recipe ideas to keep a balanced diet while on the program as well.

two women working out
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Overall, I really enjoy her workout videos. She knows how to work people hard in a short duration of time. Although there are many other great fitness YouTube stars, Chloe Ting stands out with her easy-to-learn programs which promise amazing results. Next time you are looking for a good YouTube workout, check out Chloe Ting!

Caitlyn studied at UCLA where she majored in English and minored in film. She loves writing about all things lifestyle and entertainment related. When she is not writing articles, she loves going to hot yoga, reading, and binge-watching One Tree Hill for the hundredth time!