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Kristen Bryant-Thinking In A Lala College Sweatshirt
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus
Wellness > Mental Health

Balancing Your Emotions — It Is Okay To Not Feel Okay

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

With midterms in full effect, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and downright stressed. And in general, my life is really good. I strive to maintain a positive attitude, spend time with my close friends, pursue my passions and spend time letting loose with a night out or night in when warranted. 

But still, with constant stressors or without them, it is normal for a day to slip through the cracks. Maybe you woke up late, or you’re having a bad skin day. Other days, it’s really just things that we can’t control. Whatever it may be, these bad mental health days are inevitable. 

I have always tried my best to fight the feelings. Block them out with an optimistic mindset, but the reality that has set in is that we are all subject to our own bad days, and that is completely okay! When you are constantly fighting your low moments, you aren’t giving yourself enough time to soak them in and process them. Emotions constantly flow in waves and are ever-changing. I cannot count the number of times I’ve been riding a high and things can switch out of nowhere. 

The reality of the situation is that life comes with its highs and lows, and while we should enjoy and revel in the good moments, it is important to understand the bad ones are temporary and passing feelings. Instead of blocking it out, sometimes it can be okay to embrace it.

And I am not saying to wallow in a state of self-pity, but instead to stop fighting the feeling and counteract it in productive ways. Trying to constantly pass through it without letting yourself feel the emotion, can lead to frustration and increased anxiety about the situation.

Instead, here are a few ways to counteract negative feelings through self-care:

Indulge in a night in.

My go-to method of dealing with sadness is comfort. Take some time for yourself in some sweatpants and a comfort movie, whatever that may be for you. My personal choice is usually a rom-com. Also, getting a comfort meal is always a great way to brighten your mood. Postmates some sushi and call it a night.

Listen to Your Favorite Artist

Another great way to help with fighting off a bad mood is listening to music that cheers you up and brightens your spirits. Usually, when I am down, listening to music I either can sing along to or relate to helps me soak in and process my emotions. Taylor Swift always has a song to match how I’m feeling and it has never failed.

Write it Out

People always talk about journaling as a form of self-care, and I often find myself neglecting to do it because “I don’t have time.” What I have come to learn is that when I am dealing with an influx of emotions, either happy or sad, taking 10 minutes to sit down and write them out really helps me with processing what I am thinking. It clears the pathways in my mind and lets me think freely. I often feel a lot better after writing things out, and I can always go back to it later and read how I was feeling at the moment. It helps me with seeing how I’ve grown and changed.

All in all, though, a bad day or a bad feeling is nothing to stress over! When it comes along, just let it pass by. Feeling it will allow you to reset and focus on having a better day tomorrow! Life is constantly changing, and we need to be able to keep up with it.

Hi :) My name is Jade and I am a second year at UCLA! I am a double major in communications and cognitive science and I am super excited to be apart of Her Campus