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5 Tips You Need To Survive This Finals Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Finals season is almost upon us, and per usual, stress levels around campus keep on rising. The library starts to fill up earlier and earlier, and all of the coffee shops sell out of our local favorites. During this stressful time, we must keep our minds and spaces clear to help us be as productive as possible. There are a few essential things that I keep in mind every semester to help make my finals week fly by as smoothly as possible.

Clean up

With studying being chaotic on its own, your workspace shouldn’t have to be as well. Keeping a clean digital and physical workspace will help keep your files and pens organized and keep your mind organized as well. As a student who is graduating this semester, I can say that keeping all of my workspaces clean has been one of the most helpful study tips. Go delete all of last semester’s files and throw away all those spare papers so this finals season you can be as organized as possible!

Be Mindful

Studying for important exams can be stressful, and at times overwhelming. During these times we must keep a clear head so we can persevere through the tough times. Some great ways to do this are through journaling and yoga. Being mindful and keeping your mind and body grounded can help you clear your mind and keep you on the study grind.

don’t be scared of breaks

When our brains are constantly working, it becomes difficult to have study motivation after a while. This is why it’s important to take breaks during your study periods. Taking a break to do something mindless helps to give your brain a break and reset before going back into study mode. One method I have found useful during my time at UCF was the Pomodoro method. This method forces you to have breaks during your study session by setting a timer for a long period, followed by a short intermittent break. There are a ton of different time periods, some consisting of a 45/15 split, or even a 55/5 split. This method has helped motivate me to study, knowing that at the end of the time, there’s a short break waiting for me.

Reward yourself

A study session is only successful if the person doing the studying gets some form of reward at the end. Whether that reward is an A on an exam or an ice cream cone, receiving something as proof of your hard work is the largest motivator out there. When juggling multiple exams this finals season, try out little rewards at certain benchmarks. Finish a particularly long chem chapter? Go and get a coffee and a little treat. Knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a small prize for your enjoyment, makes the studying experience much more rewarding.


Although all-nighters may seem like a good thing, there’s a reason we’re told to get eight hours of sleep. Sleep is important for not only our bodies but our minds; our bodies and brains get a chance to fully relax and reset after the events of the previous day. When you’re asleep, the working part of your brain shuts off, allowing for complete relaxation, which is much needed after a full day of studying. After a full night’s rest, you are ready to get up bright and early, brain recharged, for another productive study session.

Although finals season is a lot for any student, it doesn’t always have to be the most stressful part of the semester. There are many different tips and tricks that you can work into your everyday studying routine to practice being more mindful, and taking a step back can help give your brain the space it needs to succeed this finals season.

A current student at the University of Central Florida studying English on the creative writing track, and a writer on the UCF Her Campus team, as well as a server at Bahama Breeze. Very interested in getting into the world of publishing and seeing what it can offer. She received her Associate of Arts degree from the University of Central Florida, after taking dual enrollment courses at Saint Johns River State College in high school. She hopes to get into a Creative Writing MFA program after she graduates with her Creative Writing undergraduate degree, to further her education and writing skills. She is looking forward to learning and writing articles that everyone will love.