In the blink of an eye, we’ve headed straight from the wonders of break and abundant food, endless TV watching, and family and friends to finals, endless cramming, sleep deprivation, and general suffering. Here are some ways to study productively so you can ace your finals.
1. Don’t spend too long on one subject.
Switching back and forth between subjects will keep your brain alert and active. Spend an hour on a study guide for one class, and then move on to making one for another course.
2. Treat yourself (with food).
Set short goals for yourself and reward yourself with snacks when you complete those goals. This will allow you to accomplish more small tasks, and will keep your stomach from growling.
3. Take a walk.
As a person with perpetually hunched shoulders from manically typing away at my keyboard, I find it useful to get up, stretch, and take short walks. This will keep your body and mind alert.
4. Try to eat as healthy as possible.
During finals, it can be hard to find the time to cook normal meals. Instead of getting fast food, try to buy healthy snacks and pre-prepared meals at the grocery store. Eating somewhat healthily will give you more energy and make you feel less groggy and lethargic. Trader Joe’s has lots of pre-prepared meals and smoothies!
*None of these images or gifs belong to the author or Her Campus UC Davis. Thumbnail courtesy of Pexels.