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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Dear Wonderful,

I wanted to remind you that it’s okay to feel sad and upset right now.

Cry you heart out if you need to. Eat as much ice cream and chips if that makes you feel better. Take a day off for yourself.

Whether it is because of family, friends, personal relationships, school, work, or other concerns that you have in mind, there will be days where you won’t feel like yourself or want to talk to anyone for that matter.

And that’s okay.

No one ever said that life will always be easy and at your favor because it won’t. Life will constantly challenge you. For that reason alone, just remember that if you feel down right now, be prepared for the same thing to happen again. And possibly again after that.

Image source: Stocksnap

This does not mean that you won’t ever be happy again – instead, take this as an opportunity to grow stronger. Every time you are faced with challenges, you will be better prepared to face whatever life throws along your path.

Of course, it does not mean that you’ll be able to overcome whatever is on your mind overnight. That will take some time. You just have to remember that patience is also something that you have to train yourself to have. When you finally build up the skill to have patience for whatever comes your way, you will be unstoppable.

For now, take some time for yourself if you need it. And when you do, relax, you will be okay.  

You got this.

Dianna is a fourth year English Major and is minoring in Education at the University of California, Davis. She enjoys going out for runs and being outdoors when the weather permits. 
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