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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

The start of the school year can be chaotic. We’re moving back into our places, getting our schedules and books together, taking on new activities or joining clubs, and potentially trying to bond with new housemates.

Some like to use this beginning as a fresh start, to try new things and ditch some old habits. However, many of us know far too well that this is easier said than done. With the stress of midterm exams, papers, and deadlines, our health and hopes for better personal habits can completely dissolve.

Still, we do our best to take care of ourselves (even if it doesn’t seem like it). Here are 6 ways to promote a healthful and balanced quarter:

1. Make sure your room is organized from the start.

Of course, there are all types of organization, and what works for one may not work for another. Creating a system for yourself and making mental notes of where everything is will make your life a whole lot easier… because who really has time to root around for misplaced books and supplies on this crazy quarter system?

2. Buy a day planner—and write everything in it.

From extracurricular and office hour meeting times to exam dates to part-time work hours, our responsibilities as ambitious college students are endless. Jotting down important dates and tasks as you are informed of them is another great tactical technique.

3. Don’t spread yourself too thin.

Taking on more than you know you can handle never ends well. Be realistic about what you can accomplish prudently, and don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if you’re under too much pressure. At the end of the day, the quality of your work and activities trumps the quantity.

4. Getting some good z’s.

We hear this one time and time again: sleep is critical to our well-being. Yet, it is the first thing we sacrifice when the going gets rough. Doing your best to be uber-productive during the day could help you get those crucial hours of uninterrupted rest at night. Another tip for better sleep? Silence or power down those electronics 45 minutes before bedtime. This will help relax your mind and prepare it to power down as well.

5. Stock up on superfoods.

The nutrients we put in our body are directly related to our mood and energy levels. Processed foods and too many starchy carbohydrates deprive us of the quality nutrients needed to sustain ourselves. Instead, try making a green smoothie filled with lots of spinach or broccoli, one half cup of your favorite fruit and a splash of almond or coconut milk. Loading up on leafy greens, berries, avocados and protein-packed items like Greek yogurt, unsalted nuts, and chicken breast are one of the best ways to naturally boost energy levels and give your body the nourishment it requires to get through the quarter.

6. Pencil in some time for physical activity.

Making time for exercise is also critical for balancing our moods and overall health. Lucky for us, we live in a state where enjoying nature’s beauty is essentially a human right. Taking hikes or long bike rides, doing yoga in a quiet place outdoors, and taking power walks around the neighborhood are all great activities. Even when pressed for time, figure out a way to squeeze in something as little as a ten-minute jog. You’ll see the difference.

UC Davis Senior Orange County, CA English & French Double Major Writer, old Hollywood film fanatic, world-class shoe collector
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