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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

If eating was graded like a class, I could easily get an A, maybe even an A+. Unfortunately, UC Davis does not offer a class solely based on eating food. So, the next best thing? Eating my way to an A in other classes.

Consuming the right foods makes you healthier, and in turn reflects positively on your grades! Here’s a list of foods with secret superpowers to get you through classes, midterms, study sessions, and more:


As one of the superfoods, blueberries have been proven to improve memory and protect the brain from stress. Throw them on top of yogurt, mix them in cereal, or just eat these nutritious fruits plain!


Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts help keep your brain alert by boosting concentration and strengthening the brain’s ability to retain information.


Studies have shown that the smell of cinnamon enhances brain activity. Eating cinnamon should be no challenge this time!


The antioxidant quercetin that comes from apple peels has been proven to boost memory function, which will help academic fulfillment. On top of that, we all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so this becomes a classic two birds, one stone situation.

Dark Chocolate:

A dream come true! Dark chocolate lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and has been proven to improve moods (obviously).

Whole Wheat Bread:

To preserve your energy, eat whole wheat bread. Whole grains take the body longer to digest, so you won’t experience an energy crash mid-class.


Research has found that popcorn hulls (aka the parts that often get stuck between your teeth) contain high levels of polyphenols, which protect the brain and help improve brain health. However, still beware of that movie theater buttered popcorn — the salt and saturated fat make it a nutritional tragedy.


Is studying giving you a headache? Cherries are packed with compounds that convert into nitric oxide, thus curing headaches. Everything you need, with a cherry on top.


The vitamins in eggs, specifically egg yolks, work to increase brain cell communication, which helps memory.

Sunflower Seeds:

These tiny but mighty seeds are a great source of magnesium, which not only improves your mood, but cures insomnia!

How’s that for some food for thought!

Gretchen is a fourth year UC Davis student double majoring in political science and cinema & digital media. As an intersectional feminist, she finds interest in issues of social justice and equality. She also finds interest in dogs, Leonardo DiCaprio movies, and early 2000s music.
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