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Meet your new best friend: Top 5 Self-Love Podcasts to Listen to in 2024

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC London chapter.

We are in a Podcast Renaissance. While podcasting has been popular among young audiences for a while, the recent spike in this form of digital creation spiked during the Covid Pandemic lockdowns, when producing and consuming content became one of the few ways we could interact with others. As of 2021, there were over 19.1 million podcast listeners in the United Kingdom and this audience reach is only increasing. 

Like many others, I stumbled upon podcasts post pandemic. After moving to London for university, I found new gaps of time during commutes which needed to be filled – and the same 10 songs on my playlist were not cutting it. So I took spotify´s suggestion and stumbled upon my first ever podcast episode. Since then I have never looked back.

Now, with over a year of listening under my belt, I will be recommending my top 5 podcasts from my favourite genre – self-love. Self-love podcasts offer listeners advice on how to become the best version of themselves, and are usually oriented towards a young female audience closest to the demographic of the podcaster. Whether you are struggling with mental health issues, insecurities, relationship issues (etc.), self-love podcasts can help you learn how to create a more happy and fulfilled life. 

  1. Inside Anna´s Mind by Anna Archer @insideannasmind

This was the first self-love podcast I ever listened to, and remains my favourite to this day. Anna Archer offers intimate journal-like episodes on lessons she’s learnt throughout her life. By telling personal stories of grief, relationships, health, anxieties and more, her advice spans a range of topics that often consume the mind of 20 year old women. 

Anna also has a unique ability to articulate her thoughts in a way that is easy on the ears. By keeping herself so open and honest, she seems like an older sister, sharing with her listeners the wisdom she has gained over the years. Because she gains new insights so often, I would recommend listening to her episodes sequentially, and every week, to join on her self-love journey. 

  1. Date Yourself Instead by Lyss Boss 

This podcast is for the women lost in the frustrating realms of dating men. Too many of us (myself included) get lost in the turbulence of romance, or upset by the lack of it. This podcast offers amazing advice on how to start loving yourself instead of relying on romantic connections for your happiness. ´Detach and attract´ is the mantra, and it works! After resonating with a few episodes, I broke off an unfulfilling situationship that wasn’t serving me, and never have I felt so free. 

I do wish the advice also catered for different sexualities instead of traditional heterosexual relationships. But since the speaker is coming from a place of her own experience, it makes sense that the focus is on women-men dynamics. For those looking for a different perspective have a look at the Queer Podcast blog for some good suggestions. 

  1. On My Mind by Ava Jules 

Originally a Youtuber, Ava Jules has a longstanding reputation as a wholesome Hawaiian girl. Her personality is addicting – unashamedly quirky with the loudest laugh out there – it’s easy to see why she has such a loyal following. Her podcasts offer another vehicle into her life and the lessons she’s learned from it. Her episodes are more relaxed and she dapples in different topics. Self-love tips are her speciality, and it seems like she always knows the best products and practices when it comes to self-care. 

Her advice sessions are particularly good episodes as she reads out questions from followers and answers them. They can be scandalous, so always fun to listen to, and I tend to come out feeling upbeat and enlightened. 

  1. Anything Goes by Emma Chamberlain

If you haven´t heard of Emma Chamberlain I’m not sure where you’ve been. Also a Youtuber, Emma´s raw and real vlogs gained hundreds of thousands of views on youtube in 2017, and since then she has only grown as a fashion/lifestyle influencer. A full-fledged celebrity herself, she can now be seen hosting vogue interviews on the Met carpet, being featured in countless editorials, and releasing new products for her Chamberlain coffee company. 

What I love about Emma´s podcast is that despite her incredible success, she is down to earth and retains that beloved realness in all her episodes. Also, she is HILARIOUS. I never fail to laugh at her dry humour, and luckily for my lungs, the podcast is full of it. 

Her episode topics are quite random. Sometimes they´re anecdotal, often they address a specific topic or issue, occasionally she has guests, but as the title suggests…anything goes. I´d recommend to have a scroll through the episodes she´s already released and have a listen to what interests you in the moment. 

Episodes that according to me deserve an honourable mention include:  ´what if you are the problem?´, ´the  age of indulgence, a talk with dr.lembke´ and ´trust your gut´. 

  1. Moments Podcast by Lexi Hidalgo 

Lexi is one of those precious souls. Full of love and light, her podcast goes deep into the emotions and thoughts of young women. Her episodes reiterate the comforting message you are not alone

Her episodes are more sporadic, less structured and more in flow with the conversation. This is a result of her ADHD, but as a listener makes her thoughts appear even more authentic. It´s like listening to your best friend ramble, until you both stumble onto conclusions you never thought of before. 

So if you´re feeling low and in the mood for some rambling inspiration about love, life and how to stay in the moment, give Lexi´s podcast a listen – you won’t regret it ! 

Helena Lochery

UC London '24

Hi I'm Helena, a History undergrad at UCL in London. Before UCL, I went to school in Portugal where I've spent most of my life. I love travelling, reading, creative writing and yoga. This year I was elected as Vice President for UCL HerCampus society.