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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

The gym can be intimidating for some people, and I am one of those. Here is some of my at-home equipment. I use a resistance band in replacement to weights because you can easily adjust the difficulty. The resistance bands for the lower body also serve to help you stretch, for example, placing one band below a foot and grabbing the ends of the band to stretch further. Getting fit doesn’t always have to start at the gym! 

Yoselin Gutierrez is a 21 year old, 4th year student majoring in English at UC Irvine. Gutierrez has an interest in Japan, human rights, government, and politics and has had experience in the field by interning in Washington D.C. for a semester and attending a public policy and international affairs fellowship at Carnegie Mellon University. As of recently, Gutierrez is a Marketing intern in Irvine and is seeing into combining her interests of writing, human rights/feminism, and marketing into her Her Campus-UCI posts, hoping to empower women of all backgrounds.