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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

It’s that time of the semester when we are all scrambling: midterms, COVID, etc. It seems like each week gets more and more overwhelming, so some of us might start seeing ourselves taking more and more breaks.

At many prestigious institutions, including UC Berkeley, mental health is not talked about enough.

We may see one or two flyers in an email, but what does that do? Many of us, on top of dealing with the heavyweight of imposter syndrome, feel that going to a prestigious university equates to taking little breaks and always focusing on school.

We need to accept that doing what is best for ourselves is acceptable. Take a breather, walk, take the day off, don’t touch your computer for a few days, watch a movie, sleep a couple of extra hours. School is always going to be there.

Our health, our state of mind, is fragile and can change over time with more stress. Remember that mental health matters and to succeed, it is important to maintain your health, regardless of the outcome of your grades. 

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Ifeanyi Ashiedu

UC Berkeley '24

Current Public Health Major and Data Science Minor! My interest range from health to technology. I enjoy reading, building and research! Super happy to be apart of the HerCampus Berkeley team!