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5 Stress Relievers During Exam Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Exam season can be one of the most stressful times of the year. In my opinion, the second semester exam season is even crazier because you have the added stress of finding a place to live in the Summer and finding a new job/internship. 

To help relieve stress, it’s important to take time to take care of yourself. Here are 5 ways to de-stress during exam season:  

1. Go for a walk 

Get some fresh air and stretch out your legs by getting outside and walking. Exercise is a great way to relieve some stress and clear your mind. Not only will you feel refreshed, but your body will thank you for the much needed movement. 

2. Call your parents 

Your parents–or any other relative you feel comfortable with–are the best people to vent to as they will listen without judgment and remind you why you’re doing this. 

3. Cook 

Take an hour out of your day to cook something healthy. I find cooking to be an awesome way to be creative and relax. Something like a simple stirfry is great if you aren’t super confident in the kitchen or haven’t gone grocery shopping in awhile; my favourite stirfrys are often the result of me throwing all of the random food I have together. 

4. Have a dance party

Blast your favourite music and take a ten minute dance break. 

5. Meet a friend for coffee 

Ranting to your bff about how much studying sucks is essential to the process. 



Samantha is a third year UBC student majoring in Political Science. Samantha loves any kind of tea, drawing, reading, and traveling to new places. Her favourite thing to do is play with animals and write stories. One day, she hopes to have traveled to every continent.