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Keeping Your Sanity During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

The time of the year in which all college students dread is quickly approaching …. finals week. Yes I know, I hate it too. Each semester we freak out and lose our sanity during this time, but let’s not do that this semester. Here are a few ways to keep your sanity during this horrendous week.

1. SLEEP! Getting enough rest is very important. If you’re pulling all-nighters every single night, when are you giving your brain time to reboot for the next day? You’re not. Not sleeping during finals week will have you even more stressed, so please sleep, get enough rest. 

2. Plan ahead! Getting your note cards, quizlets, etc. together a week or so beforehand eliminates the unnecessary stress of not having your notes together in time, so you’re forced to do them during finals week… and then you won’t have enough time dedicatedly to strictly studying. Do not wait until the last minute, you’ll regret it.


3. Relax! IT IS OKAY to take an hour off a day to relax. Clear your mind, go for a walk, watch an episode or two on Netflix. You won’t fail if you take an hour break from studying. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.


4. Eat! Please, please, please make sure you’re eating and drinking water!! We don’t want you to pass out from not eating. Finals are important, but your health is too.



5. & of course, study. Study, but don’t stress yourself over it. If you don’t know it by now then……. you just don’t know it, keep that in mind. Or just try to memorize the material, lol jk.

I hope this helps and that you stay sane during finals week!!! Remember it’s not the end of the world!

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Alumnae | Her Campus Chapter Advisor?