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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

The best decision I have made recently was planning a day specifically dedicated to doing nothing.  For two weeks I said no to plans with friends and family and rearranged my schedule perfectly to leave Saturday, October 24th completely open. In doing this, I was able to learn about saying no to others and give myself the rest and care I so desperately needed.

Saying no to people is something I struggle with daily, so this was a great way to practice being assertive and sticking to a goal I made for myself.  Although it was just one day, I found myself rejecting a lot of potential plans. I almost had some serious fear of missing out until I remembered how awesome it was going to be to have this day to myself.  Saying no to so many people was terrifying at first, but I quickly found out that people were okay with it. Everyone was more than willing to reschedule or accept the fact that I was “busy”. When I was asked what I would be busy doing, I gave an honest answer and was surprisingly met with acceptance. It turned out, the people in my life respected the plans I had for myself and were willing to help me achieve them.  

Doing nothing on Saturday was the most rejuvenating experience I have had.  With school in full swing, coronavirus still on the loose, and election stress, having a day to slow down was invaluable.  I was able to catch up on sleep, watch some reality TV, do a facemask, and just lay in bed.  I finally had time to do a few of the things I enjoy like crocheting and coloring. It was wonderful to get my life back on track and de-stress with simple tasks. 

Specifically planning to do nothing for a day, or even for a few hours, is a task I recommend everyone to accomplish in the near future. Prioritize yourself, slow down, and enjoy unrestricted time to do anything you want!