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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Disclaimer: I am not a certified health expert.

When trying to stay fit the worst thing you could do is tell yourself you are trying to stay fit. Rather, you should say you are living a healthy lifestyle.

Being fit is more of a temporary mental state. You try every diet possible and it does not work and/or you go to the gym for a few weeks and then give up. If you change your mindset to thinking more along the lines of doing what you are doing to keep up your healthy lifestyle it helps you maintain just that.

Take Note that I did not say beginning your healthy lifestyle but keeping it. Don’t tell yourself you are just starting because it sets up this indirect sense of a timeline and being healthy and staying fit does not come with a timeline.

I want to also note that being healthy does not mean trying to lose a lot of weight. Another part of this mindset is continuously reminding yourself that. You are working out and eating right for you to remain healthy. You could be a size zero and eat junk food and that does not make you healthy. I’m not shaming against it, but simply saying not to put one idea of what being healthy looks like in your mind.

When exercising and eating the right proteins and the like, do it and remember that your body is different from other bodies. It is very damaging to try to hold your body to fit that of another individual. It’s mentally, emotionally, and physically damaging. Physically damaging would be those who surgically change their bodies for cosmetic purposes and those have long lasting damaging effects. Again, I’m not shaming but speaking from a health standpoint. I am no expert but just someone who has done extensive research and tried this all out. I have done the fad diets, I’ve tried not eating and working out for four hours per day and yes it works but in the end you are not happy and are back to square one.

So, with that said here are four main exercises and tips to get you to stay healthy during this winter. Remember also that eating dessert is 100% allowed and mandatory. Do not cut foods out that are for pleasure, instead, eat it in the right portions.

1) The Elliptical


For those just starting out, the best machine I would recommend for a great workout would be the elliptical. It is also great for those who are already working out, but I mean that in terms of not necessarily easy but more adaptive for most, the elliptical is good to start on. Start on level one and promise to push yourself to at least level 10. I would say a good half hour workout on the elliptical would be fantastic for those just starting and looking for a cardio excersize.

2) Squats, Lunges, and Jumping Jacks

You don’t always need to go to the gym to workout. If you are looking for some workouts to do while at home, try 30 squats, 30 lunges on each leg, and 20 jumping jacks. Do each 2-3 times (sets). If you are at the gym you can also do this exercise and could add in a bar. If you’re just starting out, make sure you know the correct form. For any exercise you do make sure to YouTube how to do it and always check the comment section to see if the individual in the video is doing it right. Two great channels for me are BroScience (mostly for comedy), and Buff Dudes.

3) Core Workouts

Core workouts are great for a variety of reasons and I mostly do them for my back. Some good core workouts are pushups, planks, side planks, squats, basic crunches, hip list, oblique twist, and much more that can be found via Google and/or Youtube. If you’re up for a challenge, try working out via YouTube with Jillian Michaels. Remember to keep it within a proper range.

4) Music, Music, Music



Anyone who knows me knows that when cardio time comes I’m watching Tomorrowland 2014 (or whatever year is most recent) and pushing myself to the tunes. When it’s time for weights I’m listening to 3LAU HAUS ULTRA 2014 mix. By the way, do not do leg day and cardio day on the same day as cardio burns muscle. You would think everyone knows this but I’ve seen it happen. Also, your music determines your workout, so make sure to always have fun while trying to remain healthy.

5) Just Do It

Wake up earlier in the morning, go to the gym after class, buy healthy food when grocery shopping, drink more water at every cost, take the stairs as much as you can, etc. You will only eat what you have and that is why I say to buy healthy meals only when you go grocery shopping. If you want success you have to work for it. There’s a video by Matthew Howell on Youtube called “How Bad Do You Want It? (Success)”, and it perfectly expresses what I am trying to say. It’s all in your hands. A year from now you could be smiling back thankful you started or sitting down as you are now wishing you started. Choose wisely. xx





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A media addict, an activist, a music lover, a singer, and a nappy haired black woman. In the great words of the queen, "I sneezed on the beat, and the beat got sicker." Always believe in the greatness of yourself. Nothing, is impossible. Twitter: @annettesings01 Tumblr: annetteejiofor.tumblr.com Blog: HonestlyAnnette.wordpress.com