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How I’m Staying Chill This Winter (Even With Finals Around the Corner!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


It’s a weird time of year for all of us – midterms have wrapped up, finals are just around the corner, and it’s starting to snow. It feels like I have more homework and studying to do than hours in a day and I have been completely losing my mind… which is definitely not good.


Earlier in the semester, my friend calculated the amount of time she would spend doing things, including the suggested hours of work per class, actual “real job” work, and eating, etc. It left her with a whopping 9 hours a day for sleeping, bathing, and “free” time. That is definitely not a lot.


I did the same for myself and got a similar number. That was definitely scary.


I thought that if I was not working all the time, I would fall behind in all of my classes and subsequently fail out of university and end up working a dead-end job that I would hate for the rest of my existence (I know, dramatic), so I slaved away obsessively.


I was trying so hard to get everything done that I did not take any time for myself, and because of that, I was being less productive than I would have been if I had taken time off.


Last week, I went on a mission to recollect my thoughts and find some “me” time so I could actually put this semester in perspective and get the most out of it while still remaining happy.


The first thing I did is I washed everything, every last bit of clothing I had and all of my sheets, towels, and so on. Having a fresh, well, everything, really helped clear my mind.


After that, with Halloween in the past, I decided that it was time to start decorating subtly for the holiday. I trudged over to CVS and bought garlands and lights to add some cheer to my abode. It certainly worked. I then reorganized and cleaned my room (really, really cleaned it) and made it somewhat of a relaxing sanctuary for myself – I vowed to never again do work or study in my room, leaving it as a place of rest and relaxation or recreation only. My Psych professor explained to our class that in doing so, it enables better and more restful sleep. He was right!


After the deep purge was done, I worked in little times in my day where I could take a breather and get some quality time in with myself. I am an avid tea-drinker, so I arranged for a 30 minute “tea-and-music” break after my classes wrapped up for the day. I just curled up in a comfy place and jam, it really helps reset my brain!


I also set up some weekend pampering time- Sunday spa day! Not as extravagant as it sounds, it’s a home (or dorm) spa I created for myself for Sunday evenings. Again, I have a cup of tea, but this time, a relaxing cup of chamomile. After all my out and about stuff is done and I have completed my school work for the evening, I first wash off all my makeup and comb through my hair. I then apply and deep cleansing facial mask to take away all the grit my skin has accrued during the week and a homemade coconut and olive oil hair mask to try to treat my tired tresses. Once fully masked, I find a comfy and relaxing place to sit for 15-30 minutes and do something fun! Sometimes I read for pleasure or watch some Netflix, others I just sit there and close my eyes and enjoy the silence. It’s a major brain and body reset! When time is up, I pop into the shower and then pop out feeling renewed and radiant. That’s a great mood to start the week in!


These moments really helped me regain and hold onto my sanity during the past week and I plan to keep this up to get myself through finals. It feels good to just chill sometimes!


What do you guys do to stay happy, relaxed, and motivated? Let us know in the comments!


Photo courtesy of the University of Michigan.

Annie has been a writer since she first laid her hands on her grandmother's type writer. Since then, she has adapted to computers and arguably has better grammar. When she figures out what twitter is, you can tweet her here https://twitter.com/MissAnnieMc .