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How To Destress Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

As I returned to Michigan as a sophomore, I was more than excited to see all my friends that I had missed over the summer. Welcome week was a carefree time for me to rekindle friendships and start the year off right. But in the blink of an eye, classes started and suddenly my planner and calendar were filling up like crazy. Classes, new clubs to join, housing for next year, figuring out a healthy workout and eating schedule, rushing, finding time to call friends and family. The list was never-ending. It seemed as though my life needed to be figured out immediately and I didn’t even know where to start. School was only a couple days in!

When everything around me is going in a million directions and I start to feel myself losing control of my emotions, I know I need to take a step back. In moments like these, I realize I must squeeze in designated time for myself. Here are some things I do to try to distract and calm myself:

Make time to workout

A workout is 30 stress-free minutes to forget about my day and focus only on my body and its strengths. It reminds me to give my body and mind a much-needed break from the outside world. Whether it is running through Ann Arbor on a sunny day, going to a class at the IM building, or taking a nice long walk with friends through the Arb, anything to get you up and moving helps your day and your mind

Talk to friends and family

Having all this built-up stress can make you feel lonely. It is so important to know that your support system is there just for that reason – to help and cheer you on. We tend to forget this in stressful moments, so talking to anyone is a crucial aspect of calming yourself down.

Look at your situations with a different perspective.

This one came from my sociology class, but being able to take a step back and look at your problems differently is a great way to feel better about everything going on. Maybe your Econ test didn’t go as badly as you think. Or maybe your interview for that club you’ve been dying to join didn’t go that poorly. Often, we tend to overthink every situation and problem in our life, which just leads to more stress and negative energy. Being able to see your problems in a different and positive light can change your entire attitude.

Write down one thing that you are grateful for everyday

This sounds so cliché but it honestly helps. Writing down one thing you are grateful for or one thing you are happy about automatically puts you in a better mood. Puppies, ice cream, bubble baths. See, isn’t your day already a little better.

Do something nice for someone else

 From volunteering to just lending a pencil to your peer in class, doing small or big things for other people lifts your mood tremendously. Finding opportunities to get involved and give back to the community is such a rewarding experience that focuses on other people’s struggles rather than your own.

Play with puppies

Whenever I run into puppies on campus I automatically feel 100 times better. Dogs are therapeutic animals and make you forget about everything else going on in your life for one second. No wonder the library brings in puppies during finals!

Read a Book

I’m super into reading for fun, especially on vacations. Reading books puts me right back into my vacation mode and it feels like I’m back on the beach again. Distract yourself with a refreshing read instead of your class readings!

Go on a joy ride and blast the music

I’m ending with one of my favorites. On campus, it may be hard to find a car, but car or no car blasting music with your friends and having your windows rolled down makes you instantly happy. Nothing better than lip syncing your favorite songs with your besties.

No matter how busy you are, it is so important to take care of your body and mental health. Try out these methods and more whenever life gets too overwhelming.

Images courtesy of Sophie Kalt