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The Art of Pressing Pause: How mindfulness Is a Way Through Life’s Chaos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and the semester’s course load is increasing. In today’s world, it’s incredibly easy to get wrapped up in the chaos and routine of daily life. From juggling work, study commitments, personal relationships, and pursuing goals, we are in a constant, never-ending activity cycle. However, it’s essential to know your limits, know when you feel overwhelmed, and give yourself the space to relax. Because if we don’t, we are leading ourselves to burnout.

As I write this, I want to address the obvious. Of course, we cannot fully press pause on our lives and stop the clocks; it is practically impossible in a society that promotes consistent action to continue striving forward, where It isn’t enough to keep up with the crowd but always to be a few steps ahead. It can be intimidating even to consider pressing pause with the fear of falling behind or looking lazy or unmotivated. Those thoughts are understandable and entirely valid, but pressing pause does not need to take up your whole day if you don’t want it to; taking 10 minutes every day to practice being mindful and present and allow yourself a break is vital to taking care of your mind and body.

Now, what is mindfulness, and how can it help you press pause on the chaos in your daily life? In other words, mindfulness is the ability to live in the present moment, to be more aware of every moment while fully engaged in what is happening around you, without judgment and instead with acceptance. Mindfulness allows us to build the inner strength to combat future stressors impacting our happiness and overall well-being. By pausing and being mindful, you can reflect on the best way to handle that situation without letting your immediate stress response get in the way.

There are various ways to press pause and practice mindfulness daily. For instance:

  • Starting with short breaks: Start by taking brief pauses during the day. A mindful walk or even a few minutes of deep, focused breathing can make a significant difference.
  • Creating a mindful environment: Make room in a physical or mental space for mindfulness. This could be a peaceful area of your house or some alone time before you begin your day. What I have felt helps me is reflective journaling, painting, or listening to soft music at some point in the day. Whatever activity you find grounds you in the present moment is a perfect practice of incorporating mindfulness into your life, which can be seen in routine exercises. Eating, walking, and commuting can bring your full attention to the present moment and are all perfect moments to practice mindfulness.
  • Practicing mindful breathing: The breath is a strong anchor for the here and now. Try some mindful breathing techniques to help you relax and find your center. You can play a meditation or even focus on your breath, and counting your breaths can be very beneficial.

Practicing mindfulness as a means of pressing pause on your life is easier said than done. It requires a lot of practice and compassion toward yourself and others. Many things can deter us from being able to press pause in our lives, like feeling we don’t have enough time due to prior commitments and the demands of school and work. We may think slowing down can be challenging, especially if we are already accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle. And there are also other external factors, such as technology, that can hinder our efforts to press pause. However, as any problem is complex, nothing is ever unsolvable; you are not unsolvable. Overcoming these struggles also takes time. Allow yourself patience, set boundaries against things that do not align with you, and prioritize self-care as a non-negotiable part of your everyday routine.

Even though challenges come to the practice, being mindful of the minor aspects of our daily lives can significantly improve our well-being; practicing mindfulness and pressing pause on hectic days can lead to several benefits, such as:

  • Reducing stress: Mindfulness helps you stay focused and anchored on the present moment, ending the cycle of worrying about the past, present, or future. It promotes self-awareness and acceptance of thoughts without judgment, providing a mental break from stress and fostering a composed and clear-minded response to challenges.
  • Enhancing focus: Pressing pause allows you to take a step back, assess tasks, and approach them with renewed concentration. Practicing mindfulness can also improve your focus and productivity in life.
  • Increasing creativity: Allowing yourself to take a break from your never-ending to-do list allows you to create room for creative thinking. New insights and creative ideas may arise when you are mindful and present in the moment.
  • Improving physical and emotional well-being: The link between the mind and body is strong. Mindfulness promotes emotional regulation and self-awareness. It offers a place to acknowledge and process emotions, leading to greater emotional resilience and improving aspects of physical health, such as sleep quality.

Pressing pause and practicing mindfulness is beneficial to a well-rounded and resilient life. The world and society of today and the values it promotes are not easy to live by, and it can be hard to find It within yourself to take a break. However, amid life’s chaos, remember that the art of pressing pause and incorporating mindfulness practice into your life is a skill that is worth mastering, leading to a more harmonious and mindful experience of what life has to offer you.

Ciara Santiago

U Mass Boston '25

Ciara is a Junior majoring in psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She loves to paint, watch movies, listen to music and podcasts, and read avidly. They advocate for mental health and wellness and hope to share this passion with others.