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I Learned to Fall in Love with the Gym: Here’s How I Did It

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

I was always scared of going to the gym. It sounds silly to say now, but I really would not come within 10 feet of any physical exercise equipment unless you paid me to before entering college. A lot of my friends were initially the same way: we didn’t feel like we fit into this “gym girl” definition, so therefore, we avoided it. The Rec (UMass Amherst’s on-campus gym) can feel very intimidating at times. It’s often crowded, and the majority demographic using the equipment is, well… men. Entering the last semester of my senior year, I can confidently say I love going to the gym. It was a long journey here, though, and I could not have done it alone. Here are some of the things I did during my time at UMass that made going to the gym a more comfortable part of my routine.

trying out group fitness (gfit) classes

My first ever group fitness class was a Rec Spin class the first semester of my freshman year. I remember being so nervous showing up in my t-shirt and leggings, surrounded by the girls in matching athletic sets and spin shoes (I later learned it does not matter even a little what you wear, and that everyone ends up leaving very much sweaty and exhausted despite what they’re wearing). I ended up getting a Charley Horse about halfway through and nearly fell off my bike, but I did it. I remember how amazing I felt afterward; how much of a challenge it was, but also how much I wanted to go back. Here are two GFit classes I would strongly recommend as a beginner:

Pilates on Fridays @ 4:30: If you’re looking to try a Pilates class, this is the one for you! Elsa is super helpful and great at giving feedback that doesn’t make you feel spotlighted. (Check Recwell for her teaching times during finals and the Spring Semester!)

Express Spin: Not sure if the full hour-long spin class is for you? No problem! This 30 minute spin class will give you the basics. It’s still a great cardio workout, and definitely worth a shot!

For more information on GFit classes, check out http://recwell.umass.edu.

having a gym buddy

Sometimes, GFit classes don’t work out with your class schedule. That’s totally okay! Before I was comfortable with the gym, I would always bring a buddy with me. Whether that was my freshman year roommate or someone I had recently met at an RSO meeting, it made me feel better to know that someone was there supporting me. I still love going to the gym with my friends! Sometimes we’ll have planned workouts, and sometimes we’ll just hit the treadmill on an incline and yap. It can be really comforting to know you’re not alone on your fitness journey!

joining an on-campus group surrounding fitness

One of the things that made me the most comfortable going to the Rec was joining an RSO called CHAARG. It stands for Changing Health Attitudes and Recreating Girls, and I’ve been a member since the Spring of my sophomore year. CHAARG does a “Weekly Workout” every Monday during the semester with a new instructor and a new workout style to try. CHAARG also has Small Groups, a group of 4-6 girls that have an SGL (Small Group Leader) organize and lead a workout at the Rec once a week. Joining this club completely changed my attitude about going to the gym. One of the first times I ever stepped foot in the Rec weight room was as a part of a Small Group workout, and now I’m a Small Group Leader myself! There is a fee every semester to join, but it is probably some of the best money I’ve ever spent. If you’re looking to get more into the gym, this is a great group to look into! You can find more info at https://chaarg.com/.

above all, confidence

The biggest thing that helped me get over my fear of the gym was realizing that nobody is watching you, and that everybody is on their own journey as well. Learning to be confident comes with time and experience, but wrapping my head around the fact that going to the gym is ultimately for me, helped me gain confidence. I’ve shopped online for a couple of sets that make me feel cute when I’m going to the gym (shoutout GymShark), but I’m still not going above 20 pound dumbbells for my arm workouts. I’m happy and confident with how I work out, and you should be too. I promise no one is judging you, and if they are, they have their own issues to work out (pun intended). Own that workout, and be confident in what you’re doing!

All in all, going to the gym doesn’t have to be scary. It might take a while, but the gym should be a place for everyone. I wish I had been more confident going to the gym in the past; so take it from me and take advantage of it while it is included in your tuition!

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Megan Allen

U Mass Amherst '25

Megan is a senior at UMass Amherst, double majoring in Community Education & Social Change and Psychology with a minor in Sociology. Outside of writing, Megan enjoys reading, taking a fitness class, and drinking an iced chai with oat milk. She is so excited to be a part of Her Campus this semester!