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Ditch the Workout, Join the Party: Why Everybody Should Try Zumba

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.
Trust me when I say this: Zumba can appear to be an awkward girl’s worst nightmare. A one hour fitness class full of chest popping and booty shaking can be pretty intimidating, especially if you’re not comfortable dancing in front of other people. Despite that, Zumba is a fitness class that everybody should try – the physical and emotional benefits outweigh the awkwardness you might feel.

The first time I ever did Zumba, I was extremely nervous. The class was full of people; all the experienced dancers in the first few rows with their cute sneakers and ponytails. Naturally, I headed towards the absolute last row in the hopes that nobody would be watching me. Trying Zumba was a huge risk for me, for I dreaded even going to the gym in general because I never liked to work out in public. Back then, I never would have guessed that I would fall in love with Zumba and go to class up to 5 times a week, dancing in the first few rows. If I can do that, anybody can.

For those of you who do not know what Zumba is, it is a Latin based dance fitness program that incorporates music and dances from all over the world (even the Top 40 songs that we hear on the radio). The workout has become increasingly more popular over the past few years, and the physical benefits are astounding. As many cardio workouts, Zumba can be used for weight loss. An article from Shape Magazine said that one could see weight loss in as little to two weeks from incorporating Zumba at least three times a week.

What’s more, Zumba classes can burn a very high amount of calories (UMass instructor Michelle uses a polar calorie watch during some of her classes to monitor the calories burned, which can be anywhere from 600-900 calories.) Another huge benefit of the workout is that it can help with toning and flexibility. Zumba uses resistance of your body weight, which can help to tone and sculpt your body. According to a List Crown article, a few weeks into Zumba and you will be able to stretch longer and reach farther. But physical effects aren’t the only advantage to taking Zumba – it can also help mentally.

Exercise is a natural stress reliever, and Zumba is no exception. List Crown says that Zumba increases self confidence and self esteem because of the major endorphin release. I can attest to this: after doing Zumba, I have noticed a shift in my self esteem and am no longer self conscious about dancing in the class. Lately, I’ve found myself even doing the Zumba dances around my dorm…a little embarrassing. The workout is also useful for stress relief: a Huffington Post article says that Zumba promotes well being, relaxation, and relieves stress because it is so enjoyable. For me, Zumba is a great way to end a long day of classes, and I always feel happier after. Yet despite these benefits a lot of people are still hesitant.

“I can’t dance.” Those are the words of the majority of people who don’t want to try Zumba, because they do not feel comfortable dancing. While it is true that Zumba classes will have dancers, most of the participants are average people who do not have much dance background (like me). The most important part of Zumba is to keep moving. Even if you are not getting the moves right, the moving is key to a successful workout.  Let’s also keep in mind that the instructor in the front of the class is mainly who everybody will be watching, so don’t worry about looking like a fool (everybody does at some point).

Zumba is such a unique workout because it doesn’t feel like a regular, tedious workout. A lot of people wouldn’t be going to the gym if it weren’t for this class. Because it is so much fun and goes by so fast, it hardly feels like you are working out. The more often you go, the more you know the dances, and the more fun you will have. Everybody should try Zumba at least once, and continue to go back so that you can fall in love with it like I did. As the Zumba tagline goes: “Ditch the workout, join the party!”

Andrea Lee is a freshman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Majoring in Communication, she is planning on pursuing interests in many different fields and taking different classes in order to find what she loves best. Andrea was an editor-in-chief of her high school newspaper, and has loved to write for her whole life. Coming from the small town of Walpole, Andrea was overwhelmed by the large university but has found it to be her new home and loves being on campus.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst