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7 Fun, Fulfilling, and Feasible Ways to Keep Yourself Occupied Over Winter Break 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Winter break, which is six full weeks for UMass Amherst students this year, can feel like a strange period of time. Unlike summer break, there is less to do outside due to the cold weather, and many students don’t have a job lined up at home for such a short period of time. The transition from a busy semester to winter break can leave students bored and cooped up inside — so, here are seven simple ways to stay occupied during the break!

Make a collage

As someone who is notoriously bad at all things art-related, making collages has become my favorite way to get crafty. Drawing, painting, ceramics, and even coloring require a steady hand — but to make a collage, all you need is magazine scraps, glue, a canvas, and a creative vision. Personally, I like to make my collages on clipboards, but even a piece of paper would be an adequate canvas. You never know what magazine ads or articles will provide the perfect scraps for your collage — it’s super fun to sift through magazines, and very satisfying when your collage starts to come together!

Train for a 5K (or even a half marathon, if you’re feeling ambitious!)

I know, this may be a hot take — but hear me out. You don’t need a gym membership or an expensive fitness subscription to run — all it takes is willpower and a good pair of sneakers. Plus, whether you love running or you hate it, training for a race will get you outside, add structure to your day, and may improve your mental and physical health! There are plenty of 5ks in the Amherst area next Spring, and if you’re feeling ambitious, you could even train for a half marathon. For me, running is extremely rewarding, and you may feel the same way if you give it a try!

Have a Spa Night

After a busy semester, there’s nothing better than making extra time for self-care. For a spa night, you can indulge in your favorite self-care activities. You could put on a face mask (maybe even a homemade one), take a bath, paint your nails, drink some tea, watch a movie, or light a candle — as long as you feel relaxed and pampered!

Rewatch a TV Show in another language (If there is one you’re trying to learn/familiarize yourself with)

If you want to exercise your brain with minimal effort, watching TV in another language is a great way to do so! If you are looking to familiarize yourself with a language spoken in a country where you may be studying abroad, or want to refresh your skills in a foreign language you’ve been trying to learn, this is an easy way to do so. You could put a TV show on in another language with English subtitles, or if you are an advanced speaker, try it in another language’s audio and subtitles. If you’re rewatching a show you’ve seen before, you should get the gist of what’s going on, even if you can’t understand more than a few words or sentences.

Read and write

This is an obvious but important way to keep yourself occupied! Reading books, journaling, or even creative writing is a simple and easy way to spend time inside without overdoing screen time. Personally, I like to journal about the highlights of my day, especially when I have more time on my hands; it reminds me of what I’ve accomplished and forces me to recall the little moments throughout my day that made it better (like a laugh shared with a friend, or an exceptionally good iced coffee). There are countless good books to read in your free time as well — if you’re looking for some book recommendations, check out my last article for some suggestions!

Clean out your room and/or closet

If you’re like me, a clutter-free room means a clutter-free mind. Living at college has made me realize that I have so many belongings that I don’t actually need and winter break is the perfect time to put your energy into cleaning out your room! You could donate old clothing and belongings, or even sell your stuff. Regardless, cleaning out your room will likely give you a sense of accomplishment and relief!

Learn a new cooking recipe

Learning a new cooking recipe is a great way to ease boredom, and ends with a tasty reward! While I’m not a huge cook myself, I am always grateful when I take the time to learn a new recipe — it seems to always come in handy later. Whether you bake a sweet treat or learn how to make an entire entrée dish, cooking is a great way to exert your energy, expand your food pallet, and feel accomplished!

Whether you’re excited about a break from school or sad to leave campus, boredom is unavoidable during an extended break from responsibilities. Personally, I like to balance fulfilling activities with fun excursions; while these tips offer simple ways to stay occupied, there are likely a number of other fun local activities you can plan in your hometown or wherever you may be for the break. Whatever you choose to do, have a restful winter break!

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Kate Devitt

U Mass Amherst '24

Kate is a senior marketing and English major at UMass Amherst. In her free time, you can typically find her reading, hiking, making a new Spotify playlist, or spending time with family and friends.