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An Expert’s Guide to Napping

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

As a professional napper I obviously spent National Napping Day napping.  However, now that I’m fully rested I’ve decided to share my expert opinion on how to take the best nap ever (for some, myself included, this may mean everyday).

First off if there is something really bothering you that can be figured out on the spot with a conversation or quick phone call, get it done.  The less stressed out you are the easier your nap will come.  On the other hand if you’re stressing out over a midterm or the outcome of The Bachelor, a nap is the best answer, you’ll figure out these life crises afterwards (you’ll probably be better off anyway).

Secondly, you need to have the perfect nap location.  This may be a couch, a bed, a car seat or wherever suits your fancy.  Keep in mind two key factors; you MUST have a quality pillow and enough leg-room.  No nap can reach full satisfaction with an arm as a pillow or cramped legs.

Next up, temperature control.  If you’re a hot sleeper, you may want to nap next to a window with a fan.  If you’re a cold napper, make sure you have a blanket on hand, as cold toes will not allow you to get into the true nap mood.  If you’re in the middle, like myself, you may like the best of both worlds, cold breeze with a warm blanket.  In this case, it may require a little extra preparation. 

Now that you’re ready to experience true rejuvenation, you want to ensure even further comfort.  By this I mean don’t hassle yourself by sleeping with jewelry on or any sort of bothersome hair-do.  Take off that statement necklace and let that topknot bun down because it’s naptime!

Lighting is the next order of business.  You don’t want to sleep in complete darkness, as trust me, it will be impossible to wake up.  However, you do want to dim the lighting as it can make it a little easier to fall and stay asleep.

Finally, make sure those around you are aware of your plan to nap so your best friends don’t barge into the room yelling about that annoying girl in their psych lecture when you’re trying to slip into heaven. 

Before you close those eyes make sure you set an alarm so you don’t sleep the day away and mess up your natural sleep cycle.  In my personal research experience, 26 minutes is the perfect nap amount however I have also had luck with a little under an hour.  Any time you choose will be worth it really.

Now that I’ve divulged my secrets, make the most of this expertise and get napping!








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