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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Recently, HerCampus sent out an email asking if any of its campuses wanted to try out some free workout clothes. Of course we said yes, since it’s free, but never did I imagine the amazing stuff that would arrive in my mailbox! 

How many of us remember wearing Soffe shorts, the cotton ones that you’d roll up the waist one time? How many of us still have 5 pairs in our gym-wardrobe? Most of us are familiar with their comfy shorts that can not only be worn to the gym, but are comfy enough for PJs and to wear to the beach. Well, Soffe not only makes those familiar stretchy shorts, but they also make amazing atheltic gear too!

I recently discovered some amazing Soffe gear that strays far from the roll-up cotton shorts. HerCampus sent me a pair of Soffe Dri shorts and a hot pink racer back tank top. The shorts feel great – they’re spandex, so stretchy and slick. I’ve been wearing them to run at the gym and to spinning classes. Since they hug your body, they’re perfect for spin and wont get in the way of the seat. The tanktop is also a part of the Soffe Dri collection and works just as great as the shorts. It fits a little loosely, which I prefer since it allows me to be comfortable and my body to breathe. The material is soft and smooth, hence making me want to wear it everywhere! 

Thank you so much HerCampus and Soffe for letting us try out your great products! 

If you want to visit their website, go to: http://www.soffe.com/