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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

With my final semester fast approaching and my last year of college as an undergraduate ticking by, I can feel the graduation countdown looming over me. There is an overwhelming mix of excitement, anxiety, and dread involved, which makes this time in my life all the more confusing and stressful.

And I am certain I am not alone in this.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure that college seniors encounter during this sort-of-limbo of being on the cusp of the next big life stage, with duress coming from our families, our professors, our friends, and even ourselves. We are expected to, just like that, adjust to the unsheltered real world. That translates to being expected to swiftly acclimate to living at home again or in a new environment, maintain a healthy work/life balance, understand how to function like a responsible adult, and often jump headfirst into a successful career full of direction and purpose.

That is a substantial weight to carry on our shoulders, but it is our reality. All we can do is be as prepared as we can possibly be to enable us to make the best choices down the road. In turn, these decisions will shape our future for the better. Preparation starts with a healthy mind, which means taking some time for yourself and performing self-care and healthy coping skills.

Whether you are in this exact spot or a few years away, here are some of my favorite self-care practices that I use myself when I feel stressed or overwhelmed.

1. Coloring books

    Yes, I did just suggest coloring books! There are so many amazing and beautiful options to choose from depending on your skill level, focus ability, and topic interest. Make sure to have lots of brush pens, highlighters, and colored pencils for this relaxing pursuit!

    2. Drinking a Glass of Water

    Believe it or not, drinking a glass of water can be extremely soothing. In my personal experience, it can slow down my racing thoughts by concentrating on the sole task of drinking. We already know that it is good for your health as your body is made up of an average of 60% water, so this is a phenomenal habit to adhere to.

    3. Blowing Bubbles

    This one is a personal favorite of mine. It sounds silly, but in my personal experience, it has helped with practicing even breathing and it is also mesmerizing to blow iridescent soap bubbles! There are even cotton candy or watermelon-flavored edible bubbles that exist as well. You’ll thank me later.

    4. Hot Showers

    This is your sign to give in, so take that hot shower. They can feel absolutely amazing. Let yourself relax for a moment and breathe in the steam. Sure, there may be other things on your to-do list, but this should be at the top because YOU take priority! If that doesn’t win you over, recall that many people claim they can think clearer in the shower too.

    5. Amateur Nature Photography

    You don’t need a DSLR camera to practice photography. Instead, try utilizing the technology you have access to, such as your tablet or smartphone. Allow your creative side to surface, even for 30 minutes, and experiment with composition, lighting, and subjects. This will be the perfect excuse to take a brief break from assignments and studying to destress and decompress in the form of personal expression and creativity. If you want more direction, be sure to check out any number of YouTube videos and online tutorials on various learning aspects of photography!

    6. Deep Breathing

    Can’t seem to catch your breath? Learn to deep-breathe. Try to inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. This is an awesome technique that I use in my personal experience and it helps me calm down from stress and worry. Just rinse and repeat until you feel cooler, calmer, and more collected.

    7. Journaling

    In my own experience, I have found that taking even 15-30 minutes a day or just when I can find the time to journal my thoughts, feelings, and experiences can greatly impact my day-to-day outlook and mood. I think this can help anyone and everyone feel resolved about their experiences by exploring why they feel a certain way. The bonus? You get to pick out a cute journal to write in and your favorite writing utensils!

    8. Going for a Walk

    Sometimes going for a walk is the best medicine for the soul. It can be a nice change of pace (no pun intended) that enables you to take a moment to yourself and allow your mind to wander where it needs to – like away from homework and finals…

    9. Working Out

    We have all heard it before in PE class back in the 7th grade, but exercise can alter your brain chemistry and it can have an immensely positive impact on your mood. And in my personal experience, riding a bike at the gym for a half hour, taking some time to use the leg press (my fav), or even taking a brisk stroll or jog around a track can alleviate a tremendous amount of weight on my shoulders. I suggest you experiment with what type of exercise makes you happy and works best for you if you can. It has really helped me refocus on what I need to do and feel de-stressed!

    10. Positive Self-Affirmations

    “I got this. I believe in you. I am strong, brave, and capable.” These are examples of positive affirmations you can say when experiencing moments of doubt. This is something that I, personally, am actively trying to integrate into my daily routine and something you can try too, whether that is sporadically or regularly. In my experience, it has boosted my confidence and calmed my nerves. Give it a shot if you haven’t already! It doesn’t hurt.

    So, college can be a lot for seniors considering the incredible amounts of pressure bestowed on us from so many different parties, and don’t even get me started on how many directions I have been pulled in as a senior myself! However, college can be a lot for any of us and we all know what it is like to be stressed. Therefore, I am confident that with these ideas for self-care practices, you will be even better prepared for finals, projects, and taking the world by storm.

    Keep up the good work! You got this! :)

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    Sammi Peters

    U Conn '23

    Sammi is a Digital Media and Design college senior with a concentration in Business Strategies at the University of Connecticut. She loves reading, creative writing, and a good cup of coffee, but has a passion to make a positive impact and help others. She is just figuring out the logistics still...