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Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
Her Campus Media
Wellness > Health

Why I Now Workout in the Morning

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Before coming to college, my life was extremely structured. I was a student-athlete, so I usually practiced before and after school. After practice, I would go home, eat dinner, do homework, and go to bed. Now that I’m in college, I can’t fathom the amount of tasks I completed in a singular day while in high school. I can barely get through a school day at UT without “taking a break” in my bed. My so-called breaks usually lead to me waking up in bed two hours later, feeling more fatigued than I did before napping. 

Although I am a frequent napper, I still attend my classes, do homework, work out, and hang out with my friends every day. However, even though I might be checking things off my to-do list, I still feel unproductive and drained. It seems as if no caffeinated drink can energize me. I have tried to cut naps out of my daily routine, but it’s difficult when I’m constantly staying up late and waking up early for classes. 

Knowing my college self could never live in a world where my daily nap doesn’t exist, I thought up a solution where I get the best of both worlds. My new and improved schedule allows me to nap, but I feel more productive and accomplished by the end of the day. Before coming up with this solution, I’d wake up in the morning, go to class, come back to my dorm and nap, and then work out and study late into the night. However, it was a struggle for me to get through the day without feeling unmotivated, which usually led to me skipping out on exercising.

The secret to my new and improved energy? Exercising in the morning. Getting my workout in before noon has been one of the most beneficial changes to my routine. Working out in the morning, usually before or in between my classes, allows me to go through the rest of my day with a clear, energized state of mind. I find myself not procrastinating as often, and although I still take my afternoon nap, I no longer feel guilty taking this break. When my nap time comes around, I usually have done most of my work for the day. Therefore, I feel less stressed about having some deserved downtime. I also noticed a change in my mood when I work out in the morning. I felt more energized, relaxed, and happy. I found myself focusing more in class– taking detailed notes and participating frequently. 

My daily morning workout is now just as important to me as my daily nap. I find myself actually looking forward to hitting the gym, not just hitting the pillow.

My name is Reilly Moriarty, and I am from San Francisco, California. I am a freshman majoring in Political Communications, and I have now been an active member of Her Campus for two semesters! I love reading, hiking, and spending time with my friends and family. I am thrilled to be able to be a contributing member of Her Campus!