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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I have always felt the need to be admired and to feel loved. I always saw relationships as a way to fulfill my heart with love and intimacy.

The truth is I have waited so long for an individual to make me feel fulfilled. I waited so long to have a shoulder to put my head on, to cook my favorite meal with, to dance to my favorite songs with. It was as if I was searching for coziness on rainy nights. I felt as if the waiting was grabbing my ability to feel truly alive.

As waiting was drowning me, simultaneously, my gentle heart kept singing in hopes of love. For the first time in my life, I came to realize that the waiting was not for a significant other or for friendships but all along the waiting was for my inner self which I kept hidden for so long. For me that has been love, to be able to keep searching while our hearts have so much to offer.

I think the best part about love is not even the waiting, it’s simply realizing that you had love to give all along. I love the time that I spend with myself. I love the time when I watched the sunset over the beach while the sand was playing with my feet. I admired the time when I immediately started dancing when my favorite song came up. While I was craving for someone else to make me feel this way, I was able to learn to make my heart fulfilled. I learned how to make myself happy. The kind of happiness that no one could possibly have made me feel.

Perhaps true love is not only what we give to others but it is also what we give to ourselves.

I am starting to fall in love with myself more and more each day. I can say that I love it.

So what I encourage you is to grow flowers in your heart. Radiate love. And when you ever feel lost, because you will know the power of love. Invest in yourself. Be gentle with your heart as you learn to love your soul.

You will come to realize that all you ever craved and needed has been within you all along. Because you truly learn to love yourself for who you are, you wouldn’t need anybody else. I think that’s beautiful how we have the ability to feel and express our inner soul.

And all of a sudden, searching for love, I found myself.

Hi, I hope you find me through my words :)