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Cafe Bagle Coffee Laptop
Cafe Bagle Coffee Laptop
Michele Hu / Spoon
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I wish I could say I don’t know why I like being a morning person so much but I do. I like waking up at six, before everyone else, and heading to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast and a cup of coffee. I like looking out the window and seeing the sunrise while the world is still asleep. Then I go back to bed, where my cat is curled upright in the middle. I usually journal for a bit before I go for a run or head to the gym, then come back to a steaming shower and a fresh outfit. All by 9:30 a.m. 

It’s something I’ve been doing for the past two years and I think I’m never going back. Some people have rings, songs, or pictures that become so incredibly personal. I have my mornings. It feels like something that’s so me now. There’s the golden slant of sunlight coming in through the curtains, the scent of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of pen on paper, and the added challenge of trying not to wake anybody up (which is always fun) that bring me so much peace and optimism. Then I usually crash at noon.

Hey, I'm Mariana. I'm an Art and Entertainment Technologies major at UT Austin. My Big 3 are: Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Taurus Rising.