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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Being mindful by definition sounds fairly easy: it is the ability to stay present at the moment, rather than being distracted or daydreaming about the future. Of course, it is harder to be mindful when we are stressed than when we are calm. So the question is: how do we consciously become mindful?

Mindfulness consists of regulating our attention so that we can limit stressful or harmful feelings. With that said, being mindful helps us recognize where we are putting our attention. Ultimately, we become what our attention rests upon. When we are aware of where we are putting our attention we can control our reactions, in a way building a mental muscle. By practicing mindfulness we are able to step back from our reactions and observe situations in a peaceful and centered way. 

To strengthen this muscle, we must be conscious of where we put our attention in our day-to-day lives. To do this we must:

  • Reduce distractions- One way to reduce distractions is putting our phones on do not disturb when trying to finish an assignment. We must understand that our attention is our property so distractions from texts, calls, and social media can impact our necessity to be in the moment in order to complete a task. Weaving mindfulness into our daily routine is crucial to know what we are prioritizing daily. By doing small tasks such as breathing consciously and focusing on one task at a time we are already doing a much better job of being in the moment.
  • Know how to respond and react- Sometimes when we are stressed we tend to have reactions that are uncalled for, being aware of what is causing our stress and setting aside some time before responding can help us avoid being hurtful or impulsive. By practicing thinking before speaking we are able to analyze a situation in a mature way rather than saying the first thing that comes to mind. This is a very important aspect of being mindful because not only does it help us treat others better but it allows us to make intelligent decisions that can benefit us. 
  • Meditate-Simple meditation is key to mindfulness. Though some find this hard because it requires taking a couple of minutes of our busy lives to truly be in touch with ourselves and live in the moment, meditation can be very simple. From finding a comfortable place and playing a guided meditation podcast or video on youtube to simply residing in a quiet safe place, meditation allows us to be aware of our breathing and practice true deep relaxation through awareness of our bodies. Meditation works differently for everyone and it should be practiced at our own pace, time, and space. 
  • Find refuge- Learning to find ways to be with ourselves is very important. Wether it is going on a walk or listening to our favorite songs, we must find places of refuge. What I mean by refuge is finding a space in which we feel safe, even if that space involves being around other people since being with ourselves is not equivalent to being alone. In order to find refuge we must think: What is present within me that I can utilize as a safe place? Once we have an answer, we can use this to exercise the idea of being with ourselves while finding peace in the present moment.
Hi! My name is Sofia Vargas Karam and I am a first year Journalism major. I am passionate about mental health, traveling and keeping a balanced lifestyle! I was born in Mexico and my dad's side of the family is French and my mom's is Lebanese. My background and family history allow me to have unique views and experiences that I love to share with others!