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Motivational Fitness Quotes to Inspire You This Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.




Have you ever felt down on yourself during your workout? Do you ever have a hard time motivating yourself to workout? If so, you’re not alone. Almost all of us have days where the gym is the LAST place we want to be. This is when some of my favorite inspirational fitness quotes come into play.

Motivational exercise mantras are thought provoking quotes that inspire us to make effective changes in our lives in order to become a happier and healthier person. These motivational mantras are an easy way to help you get up and get going! It’s a great tool to use to push yourself towards any fitness goal you have. 

All of us want to keep fit but our daily priorities and busy schedules can get in the way of that, forcing us to only workout when we have spare time. I have also been found guilty of this. Looking for ways to overcome this lethargy, I found that reading motivational quotes are a great help. They share the benefits in simple words effectively and inspire me to take action. Try it and your body will thank you, and soon enough you’ll be sharing your favorite quotes with us! Check out some of my favorites below.

Jennifer Nguyen is a senior journalism student at Temple. She has been a part of Her Campus Temple since its formation in 2010 and being a part of HCTU has been one of the best things she has ever done. She aspires to be a magazine writer in New York after graduation. Jennifer is passionate about learning more about the world around her and hopes to travel the world one day. As a journalist, she strives to share the stories of people whose voices need to be heard. In her spare time, she loves reading French literature, learning languages and watching Bravo reality TV shows.