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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.


Ladies, we’re well into the New Year and many of us have made conscious decisions to hit the gym more often! Why not incorporate ZUMBA into your workout regimen? This high energy, low impact, Latin based workout was started in 2001 by Beto Perez and has taken the world by storm every since! Here are a few reasons to love ZUMBA:

1. One of the reasons many people have fell in love with zumba is the amount of  calories it can burn in a single workout. The average person burns anywhere between 400-1000 calories in just ONE hour. That’s more than kickboxing, yoga, or pilates! Think that’s great? How about the fact that  it is also easy on your joints.

2. Zumba offers a total body workout that has been proven to increase your aerobic capability, strengthening your muscles, as well as increasing your balance. If your looking to tone your muscle, this workout is perfect. Not to mention, you get to let go of all of your inhibitions! What other workout let’s you dance like no one is watching? 

3. Although Zumba is heavily rooted within Latin culture, it incorporates music styles from all over the world! Tango, cumbia, merengue, belly dancing, bollywood, and reggaeton are just a few of the dance styles the Zumba offers. It is a fun and creative workout that moves around the world while also moving you!

4. Zumba is an exercise that you can literally do anytime, anyplace! There are workouts as little as 20 minutes, allowing it to fit into even the busiest schedules. There are several instructional DVDs as well as games for Wii and Xbox 360 that are easy to follow and ideal for any fitness level. Whether you haven’t worked out in a while or you just worked out yesterday, anyone can get involved! 

5. As corny as the “ditch the workout, join the party” slogan may sound, anyone who has ever attended a Zumba class has found this to be true! The “party” aspect of the workout, keeps people coming back. Any instructor will tell you, it’s more important to feel the music than it is to master the moves. Without the pressure to look perfect, you’re free to sweat it out and have fun!

What are some of the reasons you love Zumba? The IBC offers several Zumba classes throughtout the week. Get up and join the party and check out the full schedule here!




Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!