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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

It used to be common for me to go to bed feeling stressed while having my head clouded with assignments that have yet to be completed. The amount of screen time and social media usage was negatively affecting my sleeping patterns. These two issues contributed to a feeling of being overwhelmed while I was trying to balance work and my social life. One activity that has helped me personally with these issues is journaling.

Journaling helps me throw my thoughts onto paper and out of my head. The best part is a fancy, expensive notebook isn’t needed… I use just about anything! I love to use the blank pages of my yearly agenda and look back at my old entries when I feel inspired. As an added bonus, journaling helps me keep track of my progress and reminds me of the thoughts and events in my life that have made an impact on me. Being able to read my thoughts and visualize them gives me a different perspective on how to approach them.

If I’m having an off day and feel a little extra stressed or anxious, I like to take a moment of peace and quiet and just write down what I’m thinking, what I’m worried about, and potential solutions to my obstacles. I will admit, I get my fair share of screen time before bed, and it is not beneficial for my health. Journaling has helped me get off of my phone and put me in the right state of mind to get some good quality sleep.

Below is a list of topics that helped push me in the right direction and further inspired me to journal:

  • To-Do List
    • My personal favorite for academics!
    • To do lists give me a sense a accomplishment throughout the day as I check off items.
    • A simple way of staying organized, to do lists make sure I have everything in order.
    • Color coded, hand written to do lists give me complete freedom on what I decide to put on paper.
  • Sketch Journal
    • I drew what I saw!
    • Sitting in a coffee shop and want to take a study break? Why not try and sketch the view from outside the window?
    • This helps me to tap into my creative skills and forces my brain to focus on one task.
  • Events of the Day
    • Had a busy day? I unwind by writing down what happened from start to finish.
  • Thoughts and Feelings
    • Allowing a stream of consciousness to flow on paper helps me to evaluate my emotions in the long run.

This ritual serves many different purposes from staying organized to improving my mental health. Writing helps me find inspiration and improves my memory while sketching relaxes the mind and allows my thoughts to go elsewhere. Journaling has helped me relax, stay organized, and make me feel more in control.

Howdy! I am a Senior Communication major currently minoring in Business. I am passionate about art, design, and I'd love to work in creative media. Gig em!