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Over 40 of the Best Feelings for Three STEM Majors

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

I’ve heard some pretty common misconceptions about STEM majors ranging from things about students on very specific engineering tracks to those like myself with more science-heavy pre-graduate school-focused majors, and while some of these rumors might have an essence of truth for a select few, they definitely don’t apply to all of us. I “interviewed” two of my engineering roommates to help me compile some of our favorite feelings and random activities categorized accordingly below. (After skimming through a few, you might come to find that these students are not much different than any other sleep-deprived, ambitious yet simultaneously lazy, and passionate student on campus.)


  1. Seeing your code work after hours of excruciating effort
  2. Going to bed after a long productive day
  3. Seeing an improvement in your GPA/grades
  4. Not feeling imposter syndrome
  5. Having determination at the beginning of a new semester
  6. Having proper time management… for at least a week
  7. Seeing your experiment work as it should
  8. Doing well on an exam after studying a week for it
  9. Doing well on an exam after cramming for it
  10. First day of summer break
  11. When prof cancels class or exam
  12. Extra credit
  13. Late night (and somewhat unproductive) group study sessions
  14. When prof curves grades
  15. Open-book exams


  1. The scent and feeling of freshly washed hair
  2. Waxed/shaved legs
  3. Getting enough sleep
  4. Going on a solo date
  5. Reading 
  6. Journaling 
  7. Cleaning days
  8. That feeling after working out 
  9. Being in the moment- 100% of you
  10. Feeling confident- main character energy
  11. Not having the pressure to be perfect at everything

With Others

  1. Singing songs we don’t know the lyrics to
  2. Ugly dancing
  3. Movie marathons
  4. Late night convos
  5. Mug cakes/baking and cooking random stuff
  6. When someone checks up on you
  7. When plans make it out of the group chat
  8. Comfortable silences


  1. Samosa
  2. Indian cinema
  3. Maggi
  4. Chaat nights 


  1. Singing loudly
  2. Hot sauce
  3. Waking up to the sound of rain
  4. Cloudy days
  5. Chocolate
  6. Waking up without an alarm
  7. Handwritten notes and cards
  8. Coffee
  9. Homecooked meals
  10. Warm (and crispy) clothes straight out of the dryer 
Sarayu Malireddy is a writer for the Her Campus chapter of Texas A&M University. In addition to reviewing books, film, and other entertainment, she dedicates the majority of her pieces to detailing personal and academic experiences. She looks forward to using her writing to capture often-overlooked stories and to highlight marginalized voices within her campus network and local community. Outside of her experience with Her Campus, Sarayu serves as a leading officer of a community service organization and volunteers as a crisis counselor with Crisis Text Line. An avid wellness advocate, she recently joined Mental Health Collaborative, a nonprofit, to help with marketing and outreach in efforts to destigmatize and improve access to essential mental health care. She has also conducted research in various scientific disciplines, and after receiving a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from TAMU, Sarayu hopes to continue this passion and contribute to advancements in the field of medicine both in professional school and beyond. When she's not browsing for thrillers and 90s rom-coms on Netflix with her roommates, she's probably downing green tea or espresso shots or trying to make the perfect omelet. She adores blasting classical music during almost any solo car ride and is always ready for a quick game of table tennis... or normal tennis.