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Kinesiology Classes at tamu

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

It’s that time of year again.  You’re left scanning the course catalogs wondering what to take.  You have your required classes for your degree plan already set.  But something’s missing… Maybe you only have 11 credit hours and need one more?  Maybe you’re at exactly 18 hours but you are a bit of a masochist?  Maybe you want an easy A to boost that GPA?  Maybe you want a fun excuse to exercise?  Maybe you’re looking to meet new people?

Well, if you’re looking for a class that can answer all of the ponderings from above, I have the answer: a one credit kinesiology class.

Types of Classes Offered:

Kinesiology classes are a great way to earn a credit hour while still having fun.  And Texas A&M has many different kinesiology classes to choose from.  From various forms of dance to basketball to yoga to tennis to golf and more, the possibilities are endless.  For a more in-depth list of the classes to choose from, follow this link.

How the Kinesiology Classes are Structured:

These one credit hour classes can range from beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  And these classes have the absolute minimum amount of written work – this varies per class and instructor.  

My Experience:

Last spring semester, I took beginner yoga.  There was the occasional homework assignment that took ten minutes to do as well as the written final.  The final took a grand total of thirty minutes to do and was mostly intuitive.  Throughout the semester, there were ‘skills tests’ that assessed peoples’ knowledge on the subject.  For yoga, this meant knowing the name’s of poses and being able to replicate them to the best of your abilities.  

This semester, I am currently taking beginner basketball.  There were 8 quizzes and a final.  The quizzes were open-note and easy.  The final took ten minutes.  And the ‘skills tests’ were similar to yoga.  As long as you tried your best, the teacher was very lenient on the grades.

Go To Class:

The only caveat, go to class.  Most Kinesiology classes meet once a week and are one credit hour.  Because these classes meet so few times, attendance for these classes is a must.  Students can miss one class without any negative effects.  On students’ second miss, they lose 20 points(out of a 100 points). On a third unexcused miss, students will automatically fail the class. This goes for all kinesiology classes. So please go to class.

You’ve just read a firsthand account about why one credit kinesiology classes are amazing so what are you waiting for? Sign up for a Kinesiology class now! I promise you won’t regret it. :)

Howdy! I’m Gabriela Gomez, an avid reader who is interested in all areas of publishing and writing. And reading of course! I’m the Editor-in-Chief; I currently oversee all the publishing of articles for the Her Campus at TAMU chapter. I am overjoyed to read all the members’ articles and make any corrections that will help to elevate the article. I have been with Her Campus at TAMU since my freshman year. The first year I was a general member on the Writing and Editing committee. During that first year, I wrote a total of 23 articles and was always finding new ways to help. For my second year, I worked as the Senior Editor, publishing more than 80 articles and writing 38 articles. Now in my second semester of junior year, I have implemented a new pitch process for better organization and cleanest, I have already published more than 170 articles, and I have written 16 articles and will continue writing more! Besides working as the Editor-in-Chief, I am a dedicated student at Texas A&M studying Biomedical Sciences. I am also obtaining a minor in both English and Spanish. While not studying diligently, I work in a research lab grinding away, trying to get my name on some research papers (fingers crossed). In my free time, I read, obviously. I am also on the hunt for the best latte to ever bless this earth and love a good game of chess!