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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Kicking fear in the face:


It was a typical Tuesday evening and I decided to scroll through my camera roll on my phone because I was bored and stressed sooo why not ya know? As I kept scrolling, I stumbled upon this fortune from a month ago.


Whether you’re scared of spiders, (Fun fact: it’s called Arachnophobia and is one of the most common phobias), the dark, clowns, the future, the unknown, living with regrets, or making the same mistakes…simply said, FEAR SUCKS!

Speaking from experience, fear has truly been my worst enemy. Life is hard and sometimes you’ll be living your absolute best mentally, but the next day, it’s like fear was waiting in the corner to scare you as you’re on your way to your room to drink your coffee and read your morning devotional. You get spooked and suddenly you’re having to clean up the coffee that stained your nice shirt, you’re rushing to catch the bus, you don’t drink your coffee, and negativity takes over your whole day! Not to mention, the headache from not drinking your coffee gets even worse throughout the day due to constant overthinking and fearful thoughts.

Let me tell you, fear can belittle us and make us feel like our dreams are actually way too big to accomplish. First off, no dream is too big if it’s absolutely something you strive for! Second of all, DO NOT LET FEAR DEFINE YOU!


Here’s how YOU can kick fear in the face:

  • When your fearful thoughts are too loud, focus on a different sound like listening to a motivating podcast.
  • Confront fear and tell it to stop, like literally say, “STOP.” I know this may be weird at first, but trust me…give it a try!
  • Get rid of the lies fear tells you by talking to someone about what scares you.  
  • Live in the present and know that YOU ARE AWESOME!
  • Focus on your faith because “Jesus banishes fear from our hearts” (I John 4:18).  He is bigger than your biggest fears. He has the coolest light savor and can fight off anything that tries to take over you! 
Senior at Texas A&M University majoring in Spanish with a focus in medicine and minoring in Neuroscience. You'll find me either binge-watching YouTube or scrolling through Pinterest! If you've read this far, you might as well check out my articles.