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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

As a college student, you’re constantly on the go. It can be hard at times to just stop what you’re doing and take a breather, especially during a long week of classes, extracurricular activities, work, and whatever else us college students are up to. It’s always important to allow yourself some down time to de-stress from all the chaos.


Here are some easy, simple ways in which you can de-stress:


1) Hit the gym or take a fitness class: Exercise is such a great energy booster so find a local gym or take up a fitness class at the Rec or gyms that offer activities like yoga, Zumba or cycling. Get your body active. Sweat is good for us!

2) Treat yourself: Go treat yourself to some fro-yo with your friends or even a nice, relaxing mani/pedi if you want. It’s totally okay to splurge on yourself every now and then.

3) Organize your space: A clean space calls for more productivity, so take a few minutes to organize your area. Maybe even play some music and light your favorite candle while your at it.

4) Binge-watch your favorite shows on Netflix: Start a new series or binge your favorite show on Netflix. This can be a good study break and will definitely take your mind off all the assignments.

5) Sleep: As college students we’re lucky if we get even 2 hours of sleep, so take some time to rejuvenate and let your body rest. It will thank you, I promise! A small nap never hurt anyone!

Ryane is a Senior Communications major and Journalism minor at Texas A&M University. Her hobbies include health/fitness, working on her business (@tonesxthree), and writing articles for Her Campus!