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Running Is Your New Best Friend

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

My unlikely partner in crime-

Running is a form of exercise that I could never imagine myself doing. After countless years of soccer conditioning, where running was the part of the sport I despised. My 5’0’’ legs, which I had come to know and love, were smaller than everyone else’s, and I was on the verge of catching my breath every time the running portion ended at practice. My self-esteem plummeted through my formative years as I was the last to cross the finish line again and again. 

I absolutely hated running, and I obviously would never do it again. 

Well, it’s funny how things shift – currently, I am training for my first marathon. So Why the switch up? One day in the middle of the 2023 summer I decided to go o a little jog prompted by the wrong reasons. Just as I expected, this jog was by no means fun, but it presented me with a challenge and gave me a sense of cleansing relief. Starting with a slow pace I was proud of and a recently downloaded Strava – I was going to run a marathon one day. 

I decided I wanted to run a marathon for the obvious reasons. It sounded impressive, and I loved announcing it to the world. Over time, I learned that the process of running would change my life and become my new best friend. Running is the type of best friend that is a little rough around the edges and gives you the extra feisty little shove you need to take the leap of faith. The types of friends that make you want to text the cute guy you saw in class or go for the dream job interview. The person who lets you be unapologetically yourself!

Even with this friend, the experience isn’t all sunshine and rainbows – you get pushed out of your comfort zone. The weather may be crashing down on you, but it develops grit and determination. The pace of your mile might be slower than your past, and that’s okay. You are trying and putting in the effort for this friendship. Overall, Running is up to the individual and puts away the comparisons of others and turns to the betterment of yourself. The repetition of showing up for yourself holds true for showing up for your friends. Forecasting into the idea of treating yourself like you would a friend with love and acceptance. 

Running is your own journey to make what you want of it, so be unapologetically a runner and make the experience your new best friend!

Here are a few tips that will make meeting your (running) best friend a bit easier!

  1. Go half a size up in your running shoes 

Don’t be like me and save yourself from the blisters – I learned the hard way! Our feet expand when we run because of swelling, so go a size bigger to give your feet space.  

  1. Create your running playlist

Running to a beat keeps the hype energy that we need to continue going strong. I recommend running to your BPM (Beats Per Minute) heart rate while running. You can find this on fitness tracker apps like Strava or Apple Fitness. I personally run at a 175-180 BPM, and you can find playlists on Spotify with these tracks. 

  1. Get a cute and comfortable running outfit 

One of the best parts about going for a run is getting to pick out the outfit for the day! I love wearing a fun shoe and sock combination or a funny hat to keep my days fresh. 

  1. Run with friends 

2024 is the year of run clubs, so why not get some exercise and meet new people in your community? Especially as we age into the “real world,” meeting people outside of a college setting is hard, and a run club is a fun way to break the ice. Plus, a lot of run clubs have themed runs for special events and discount codes! 

  1. Run your run 

You know what they say: slow and steady wins the race! So run for you and only you. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you go. The beautiful thing about running is that it is a personal battle that can become your best friend and lift you up. You just have to let it. 

Go out there and get back in stride. Good things will come if you put your mind to it and be an unapologetic runner. 

So not only did I start running again after swearing never again – I made running my new best friend. Now it’s your turn!

Riley Snowden is a current senior studying Communication, Media, and Culture at The University of Tampa. She has conducted research on a Feminist approach to Open Source Investigation with a focus on the Russian and Ukraine War. Snowden is originally from Annapolis, Maryland and enjoys being active by running.