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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Let me start by saying I am far from perfect. I either sleep too much or too little. I procrastinate, spend too much time on my phone and I still let my laundry pile up. I’ll be the first to admit it. I am motivated but lazy, and stressed and relaxed all at the same time. However, I can gladly say I am far from where I was as a freshmen. College can be the best and worst of times. I get it. Here are actual obtainable goals you can set and reach this semester.


1. Drink more water

Substitute at least one drink with water a day. If you drink soda for dinner in the dining hall swap it for water instead. Keep your body and your mind hydrated. It’s a simple and easy switch to keep you feeling refreshed and healthy.


2. Workout at least 2-3 times a week

This one is achievable for the girl who is always busy. As a college student, working out everyday can get pretty chaotic. From warming up to showering after, it takes up almost 2 hours. With the classes, clubs, homework, and studying, 2 hours a day is not always manageable.Set a goal that is realistic for you to manage even during finals week. I think 2-3 days is good because you are not asking too much of yourself. It doesn’t have to be the treadmill everyday either. Take a walk with your friends or take a yoga class.


3. Keep your room clean

Really. Make your bed. Keep up with your laundry. Maybe hang up your clothes instead of throwing them on the floor? Having a room that’s clean and fresh makes it easier to study. You can focus without having a cluttered room nor a cluttered mind.


4. Ask your TA or Professor a question

Email your TA a question or go to office hours at least once a week. Ask questions about the homework. They are there to help you so you might as well get the most out of it.


5. If you are a commuter, pack a healthy lunch at least twice a week

Yes, the fries at the SAC are tempting. No one’s saying to stop eating them. Try to balance out how much money you spend on campus and how healthy the food is that you are eating.

6. See an advisor once this semester

Meet with your major advisor or career advisor to talk about your goals and make sure you are on track. It will probably make you feel less stressed about life and adulting.


7. Go to some kind of event

Be involved. Of course, make sure you have enough time to study, but don’t let it consume you. Go to a football game, join a club or go off campus to Port Jefferson for lunch. Take some time to connect with your friends and meet new people. Try something new.


8. Study at least one or two days earlier than you normally would

Do you procrastinate? Do you put off studying until the day before an exam? If you know you are not the type of person to start studying weeks in advance, try to study at least one or two days earlier. You will thank yourself later when you are not freaking out at 3 a.m.


9. Read a leisure book

Find a book you’ve been wanting to read, and read it during your free time throughout the semester. Give yourself time to read each week. It gives you a break from school, and it wont fry your brain like binge watching Netflix will.


Each year in college is a learning experience. It’s easy to get lost in the routine of going to class, eating, studying, sleeping, repeating. We should strive for finding a balance between being being students and the other things we enjoy in order to live a healthy life. Setting goals that are attainable and realistic is key for being successful. What are some of your goals this semester?


Image credit: 3, 5, 6, 9


Suzanne Tawch

Stony Brook '20

Pre-Med. Things I like: coffee, Netflix, That 70's Show, memes. Things I don't like: Mondays, Youtube Ads, pineapple on pizza.
The collgiette's online guide to life in seawolf country.