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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

The last five weeks of the semester are upon us, and it seems that for everyone this entails learning more information in a short period of time than you managed to all semester. Sleep deprivation, pre-midlife crises, and breakdowns in the library are not uncommon, but fear not!! While we can’t help you write your final paper, here are some tips to help keep your sanity as the semester revs up.

1. Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are easy to prepare and make your morning smoother if you can’t make it to Dana/Pub! You can use a mason jar or tupperware to prepare them to grab and go on your way to class. Oats are an excellent source of fiber and help improve blood flow.



  • Oats

  • Water

  • Optional:

    • Fruit (apples, bananas, berries)

    • Peanut or almond butter

    • Chia seeds

    • Cinnamon

    • Protein powder

Step 1: Pour oats and any added ingredients into a jar or container.

Step 2: Add water at a ratio of 1 part oats to 3 parts water for the oats to absorb overnight

Step 3: Put your jar in the fridge for overnight (it can last up to several nights)

(PC: Life made sweeter)

2. Choose Your Outfit Before Bed

Instead of scrambling around half asleep trying to but together something decent, before you go to bed at night you could lay out what you want to wear the next day. It saves you so much time in the morning and makes your routine so much quicker.

PC: We Heart It

3. Get Rid of Distracting Apps

This one is challenging (I love Instagram as much as the next person), but it doesn’t have to be hard! You don’t have to go full-social media detox, but maybe delete Instagram off your phone the day before your big final so that you aren’t tempted, then the next day when you’re done writing you can download it right back!

PC: My IPhone

4. Find Your Spot

Whether it’s a treehouse in Owen D. Young Library, Herring Cole Reading Room, your bed, the Bagelry, an empty classroom or the Sullivan Student Center, find what works for you during these crazy weeks in the semester. Knowing where you want to study will get rid of some stress and allow you to buckle down and focus when you really need to.

PC: Pinterest

5. Keep Healthy Snacks Handy

While it’s easy to reach for unhealthy snacks and fast food, those foods will cause your body and mind to burn out faster than you’d like them to. Having healthy, quick snacks are essential for surviving exam season. Keeping your body fueled properly will keep your brain performing at its best and will save you from getting sick.

PC: RX Bar

6. Set a Bedtime

It sounds easy, but having a set time to go to bed is easily overlooked. However, getting proper rest is HUGE when exams roll around. Yes, the 24 hour room in the library may be necessary once in awhile, but the extra hour of cramming for your exam is not worth losing that hour of sleep and going to the test feeling sluggish and lethargic. Iphones even have a bedtime setting in the Clock App that will give you a reminder when you should pack it in for the night.


7. Take Advantage of your Time on Campus

Yes, these next few weeks are incredibly important academically, however, don’t forget to embrace being on campus. Spend time with your friends, take a study break and go on a walk, hang out and take every chance to be with others before you don’t see them for a little while (possibly for months!).

PC: Bellabeat